drunkity | quackity

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,,hi chat! hello! how's everyone doing today!" alex said waving his hands around, looking into the camera as well as his monitor to see his chat. his eyes sparkled when he saw people greeting him, complimenting him.

,,you look so handsome!? thank you chat! my hair has been a bitch lately, it grows way too fast" he said touching the sides of his hair, gently pushing his head fowards.

,,anyways, enough about me. today i have a very, very, VERY special guest chat!" he clapped excitedly as i came into the frame ,,it is my lovely, beautiful, outstanding, not as sexy as me! girlfriend y/n!" he clapped harder, yelling excitedly. i smiled and clapped as well, grinning into the camera clapping my hands.

,,hi chat!!" i greeted, looking at the monitor, seeing the chat going faster and faster. his fans knew he had a girlfriend, this was our maybe 5th stream together, they were used to him having a girlfriend.
but the streames with me were always special.

,,okay. so! today we're doing a if i die in minecraft i have to take a shot! and y/n is here to keep me company and take care of me when i cry!" he excitedly squeaked, i laughed.

"y/n have you seen quackitys hair?" a dono came through.

,,what a dumb fucking question!" alex exclaimed ,,of course she did not! no one has the greatest advantage to see my beautiful luscious hair!" alex caressed his hair that was sticking out of his beanie.
i rolled my eyes playfully, a smile still plastered on my face.

i looked at chat, everyone was spamming baldkity.

"do you ever just slap his bald head y/n? do you shine it with coconut oil?" another dono came through and i bursted out laughing, while alex stared in disbelief, his mouth slightly opened. i covered my mouth, looking at alex.

,,CÁLLATE CHAT! CÁLLATE! PINCHES DONACIONES PENDEJOS ¡EH! SON UNOS IDIOTAS TODOS USTEDES!" he swore, making me laugh even more, my face went red from laughing.

,,WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING AMOR? DO YOU THINK MY PAIN IS FUNNY? YA NO ME AMAS?!" he yelled, making it look like he was crying.

,,all right chat! lets get to the main purpose of this stream!" i said reaching over to alexs mouse and clicking on the minecraft icon.


,,fhuuuuch chat! i keep fucking dying and i'm only in the red district" alex whined and threw his head back, leaning onto the gaming chair he was sitting on. i chuckled lightly, he already died like 10 times and he was getting completely wrecked.

,,it's called the nether, alex" my cheeks hurted from smiling too much, i put my hand behind his back and rubbed small circles. he took a deep breath, sitting straight and looking into my eyes.

,,do you know you're the best thing that has ever happened to me y/n?" he asked, focusing his eyes on me.
my face went red as my eyes softened, i let out a quick breath, and looked at chat while alex still looked at me.


,,you are the best things that has ever happened to me too, alex" i replied, his eyes sparkled. smile grew wider on his face, he looked at the camera, smirking. then back at me.

i smiled, alex put his hand on my thigh, making eye contact. he put his hand on my cheek going in for a kiss. i quickly stopped him, not wanting to such a private thing on stream. thinking he'd regret it later.

,,WHAT THE FUCK Y/N!" he yelled making me jump a bit ,,WHY DONT YOU LOVE ME ANYMORE, CHAT! CHAT DID YOU FUCKING SEE THAT I JUST GOT REJECTED INFRONT OF 200 THOUSAND PEOPLE!" he fake cried, dramatically putting his hand on his forehead. i giggled, covering my mouth. our heads turned to the side looking at discord when we heard someone join the discord call.

,,alex you just got FUCKING DESTROYED!" karl yelled through our headsets.

,,NOOO! NOOOO!" alex yelled on top of his lungs, fake crying.

,,quackity your own girlfriend just rejected you!" george added, laughing hard along with karl.

,,YOU KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU GUYS! YOU ARE SINGLE AS FUCK! FUCKING LOSERS! Y/N GIVE ME A FUCKING KISS RIGHT NOW!" he yelled, i couldn't stop laughing. i tried to catch my breath numerous times but i just couldn't.

,,a — alex i ca— i can't fucking breathe — sstop" i said wiping away my tears.

,,SHE DOESNT WANT TO KISS YOU BIG Q" suddenly sapnap screamed, making all of them laugh more.

alex looked devastated, of course just faking it.
he dramatically put his head in his hands, crying loudly. i finally stopped laughing, calming down. hearing all of the boys make fun of alex, i knew this was all just a joke, but i started to feel bad for him. so.

fuck it.

i gently grabbed the side of his head, slowly pulling it from his hands. i could see him smiling, i held his head in my hands, his smiled quickly dropping as he acted sad again.
looking at him, he slowly opened his eyes. trying his best not to smile again. i cupped his cheeks, caressing them with my thumb. i felt him relax in my arms. looking into his eyes, then at his lips.

he smiled nodding his head rapidly, i smiled. leaning closer to him, softly connecting our lips together. he melted into the kiss, smiling softly. before he could do anything else, i pulled away. the chat was going feral, i couldn't read a single word.

,,YEEEEEES!!! YEEEES!! LETS GO! LETS FUCKING GO! YOU SINGLE FUCKS! WHERE IS YOUR GIRLFRIEND TO GIVE YOU A KISS HUH? WHERE IS SHE?! I CANT SEE HER!" he yelled into his mic, laughing like a maniac and quickly ended the call.

,,okay chat! i think this is enough. thank you so much for the subs and donos! we love you very much! thank you!" i spoke up, putting my hand on alexs since he had his on the mouse, slowly moving it across the screen. waving into the camera with a smile afterwards.

,,no y/n, I love YOU very much!" alex pointed his finger at me, i blushed. looking at the screen and ending the stream.

,,BYE GUYS! BYEEE!" alex waved as i clicked the end stream button. alex relaxed, basically sinking into the chair. sighing.

,,fuck amor, i'm so fucking drunk" alex said putting his hand on his forehead, i laughed, standing up and taking his hand. helping him to stand up. i led him to the bed. he dropped on the bed, pulling my hand and making me lay with him. he wrapped his hands around me, squeezing me tightly.

,,baby you're crushing me" i chuckled, trying to get out of his grip.

the next thing i hear are snores, i gently kissed his forehead. removing his beanie, falling asleep with him.

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