"I messed up and I totally realize that now."

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she hurt you!" Nicole answered flailing her arms. "She tried to steal your boyfriend and when I was there I looked at her phone and saw some of the messages she sent Conrad."

"What messages?" The girl questioned looking at the Fisher boy. "You never mentioned any messages."

"That's because she just started sending them like an hour ago." He sighed pulling out his phone. "She probably only sent them because she's drunk." That sentence was directed at Nicole. "Plus they don't matter. I'm just going to ignore them."

"I'm really sorry Lettie. She just made me really mad because I know what it feels like to have someone steal your boyfriend." The brunette apologized.

"I really don't know what to say." Violet answered looking at her friend. "I appreciate you wanting to stand up for me but I could have handled Isabel."

"I get that now."

"Do you think they're still there?" The red head asked looking towards her boyfriend.

"Probably. I doubt Belly knows how to get home from there. I bet they're just wandering around." He finished with a laugh.

"We're going to go get them." Violet declared grabbing Conrad's hand and leading him towards the Jeep.

"Woah wait Vi!" Conrad exclaimed trying to stop her from dragging him along. "They'll be fine. Nicole said they had their phones."

"We're not leaving two naked sixteen year olds to wander around at night." She scoffed moving to grab his keys out of his pocket. The Fisher boy quickly tried to stop her from getting them but he was too late.

All the boy could do was watch as she got into the front seat of his car. Conrad had to admit that her bossy side was kind of hot.

"Hey Conrad!" Nicole yelled running towards him. "Your little stalker and her friend are gonna need this." She said throwing their clothes at him.

"Why does the world hate me?" He mumbled quietly to himself as he opened the passenger door.


Belly and Taylor were both regretting their life choices as they continued to walk barefoot down the dark road.

"Do you even know where we're going?" Taylor questioned as she held the fabric up to her chest.

"I uh I think if we just keep going straight we'll be good."

"That's great Belly." The blonde nodded sarcastically.

"Why are you so mad at me? You're the one who wanted to go skinny dipping in the first place!"

"Yeah well I wasn't the one who kissed another girl's boyfriend!"

"You kissed Steven!" Belly shot back. "We did the same thing!"

"It's different for you!"

"How? We're both horrible people!"

"Because I didn't know Kayla or whatever the hell her name is!" Taylor yelled glaring at her best friend. "You literally live with Violet and she thinks you're her friend!"

"I get it I messed up! What do you want me to do about it now?"

Taylor was about to respond but was stopped when two pairs of headlights blinded the girls.

"Oh, my God, Belly, are you okay?" Jeremiah exclaimed as he rushed towards them. Violet and Conrad had just exited the Jeep when they saw the curly haired boy run past them.

"What are you doing here?" Belly asked looking towards the couple. She was mainly focused on Conrad.

"Nicole told us about, um..." The older Fisher boy trailed off not knowing what to say.

"I hope you told her to watch her back." Taylor seethed glaring at both Belly and Conrad.

"We have your clothes." Violet smiled looking directly at Taylor. She and the blonde shared a smile as Violet handed her their clothes.

Jeremiah and Conrad held up the dirty fabric as the two girls changed back into their clothes. Violet stood watching the boys. She could tell that Jeremiah was trying his hardest not to look over the fabric, while Conrad kept his eyes on his girlfriend.

"Are you okay if I go with Jeremiah?" Belly whispered looking pleadingly at her friend.

"Oh, my God, are you kidding me?" Taylor groaned. "Is he going to be your next victim?"

Belly didn't respond instead she stepped out from behind the curtain. Taylor didn't mind going with Conrad and Violet. She actually preferred it seeing as she was currently pissed at Belly.

"Uh I- I'm going to go with Jeremiah." Belly declared as she stood in front of the two brothers.  She was hoping to get more of a reaction out of Conrad but all he did was shrug and mutter "fine with me" before grabbing Violet's hand and heading towards the Jeep.

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