No escape: part 1

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"Yay! Hartley finally found Declan." Amy said as me and Jake walked in the kitchen.

"Hiding from your significant other? I'm with you." Eva laughed causing me to laugh.
Jake looked at me confused.

"Hartley!!! Did your annoying friend just cut my prize begonias." Celia yelled.

"Annoying? I thought she liked me." Declan said.

"It doesn't take much for her to switch up her opinion." I said as Jake handed me a soda.

"Don't make me come over there!" Celia shouted.
Me and Jake walked out of the kitchen.
We are gonna go up to his room to watch movies.
Well that's the plan at least.

Me and Jake were halfway up the stairs when Declan stopped us.
Jake leaned against the railing and I put my hand around his waist.

"Because you're shady" Amy said as she sat down next to Colby on the tan colored couch.
"I'm not shady!" Declan argued.
"You're a little shady." Me and Colby said at that same time.
He turned to face me and we laughed.

"Well, I was hoping we could work together to surprise Hartley for tomorrow."
"I'm happy to drive the moving van." Amy replied.
"Hartley told me she loves escape rooms. And a new one just opened in Valley View and since she considers you all family, I was hoping you could go."
Hartley doesn't like escape rooms? Yeah I'm not going. Somethings up. I'm gonna try and convince Jake of the same.
"Oh I love escaping things." Eva told Declan.

"Escape room, huh? I can escape from anywhere in seconds. Cause you know, genius." Vic said pointing at himself.

"Great! Oh, but whatever you do. Don't tell Hartley, it's a surprise."
Declan said shutting the door.
Me and Jake walked upstairs to his room.
He grabbed the Tv remote and my hand.
We sat down on his bed.
"Jake, I'm not going tomorrow. I really don't have a good feeling about it. You and your family really shouldn't go either." I said cuddling up next to him.
"Y/n/n I'll be fine, I promise. I'll call you if anything goes wrong." He said kissing my forehead.
"If you say so." I said as I felt my stomach turn.

I woke up in my own bed with a text from Jake.

Chaotic boyfriend♥️

"Headed to the escape room now."

Great. I really still don't have a good feeling about this.

"Y/N!" Faith yelled storming through my room seeming mad.
"What?" I shouted jumping out of bed.
"We know who the last villain is." She said.
I felt my stomach turn again.
"Who is it?" I asked playing dumb.
"Come downstairs." She told me shutting the door.

"Y/n. I can't believe you wouldn't tell us." My mom said.
"Tell you what?" I crossed my arms.
"Who the villain is! You were friends with him this whole time!!!" My dad shouted.
Jake? Amy? My thoughts started to spiral out of control.
"Declan." My mom said.
Thank god. Wait a minute. SHIT.
"What??? I have to go like now!" I said heading for the door.
"What why? Is everything okay Hunny?" My mom said frantically.
"No. Jake and his family is with Declan. Alone." I said opening the door.
"Let us come with you." My dad said.
"No. I have to do this alone." I said shutting the door.

I tried to call Jake. No answer. It went straight to voicemail.

I walked into the building to see Hartley in front of a Locked door.
"Hartley!!" I shouted.
I hugged her.
"Y/n go home! I don't want you getting hurt!" I heard Jake yell from inside the room.
"No! I'm not leaving till we get you guys out." I said.

"Declan is working for Onyx." Harley told me.
"I know, I thought I could warn you guys but I'm to late." I said. I'm going
"What does she mean she already knows?" I heard Eva say.
"Let's just get them out."
"I'm gonna hide, so that way if he comes I'll attack from behind." I said
"Okay, I'll try to find out how to get this dumb panel open."
"It looks like there's a code we need." Hartley said entering in numbers.
"Smart." Declan said behind us.

"I trusted you even when my best friend told me not to."

"You really think Havoc cares about you? She's a villain. And villains don't care about anyone but themselves." Declan said.

"That's where your wrong." I said lifting him up and throwing him.
"People can change, but you never will." I said throwing him against the wall.
He yelped as he hit the wall hard.
"That's my girl!" I heard Jake yelled.
"Way to ruin the moment." Amy Shouted at him.
"That's for hurting them and Hartley." I said standing next to Hartley.

He stood up again.
"That hurt but not enough. Your just as weak as Havoc y/n or should I say moon." Declan said.
Hartley grabbed one of Vic's inventions.
The fusion blaster?
"I'm getting really sick of you. She's not weak. She has us. And I don't know what this think does but I think it's gonna hurt!" Hartley hit him and he fell over unconscious.
"That felt good."'she said.
I laughed. I hugged her.
"Thank you Har." I said.
"Anything for my best friend." She said.
"Okay that's cute and all. BUT GET US OUT." Amy yelled.
"Oh right." I said.

"What do we do?" Hartley said.
"Count to three. Aim the fusion blaster at the door and shoot." Vic said.
"Okay here goes nothing." She said.

Vic got blasted backwards.
We looked through the hole in the door.
" I said count to three."
"Sorry.." Hartley responded.

"Jake!" I shouted going through the door.
I hugged him as tight as I could.
"Y/n I'm so sorry. I should of listened to you."
"I told you, but I'm just glad you're okay."

"Let's get out of here." Eva said.
"We have to get to Colby before Oculon (Declan) does" Jake said.

On the Tv onyx shows Colby.
(Lines like this are Onyx)
"I only needed one of you. The chosen one."

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