Chapter 3: The Dinner

Start from the beginning

 As she walked back to her chair sitting right in front of Anthony again. She placed her cup and cookie on his desk, readjusting her skirt to sit properly. It swished on the ground, the light pink garment bothering her as she regretted the choice of material. She looked up at Anthony but he just continued to ignore her. She elegantly picked up her cup. "I'm sure your mother will be fine not seeing you as well. She has been cooped up for months in her rooms but I suppose she will just have to accept the fact of the matter." He grunted again. "I wonder if I should ensure that Hyacinth is taken care of. My mother has been diligent but the poor babe has been quite restless." 

She gingerly sipped her tea. As she grabbed his attention with that. "I think that it would be best if I bring her along even if it is improper. I believe that the child will bring so much joy to the room. After dinner of course, during dinner would be completely mad." It was barely noticeable but she had noted the reaction. She watched him closely but drank her tea all the same. "Roast duck, chicken, oh Anthony I have picked out the finest meal for everyone. All the favorites. I even was able to convince the cook to make some wonderful pies, macaroons, and even some lovely chocolates that were brought in from town. Oh, it will just be so lovely." She smiled widely at him, her pink lips stretched out uncovering her pearly white teeth. 

She couldn't help herself. She was honestly so overcome with joy for the impending dinner, that she only hoped that it would go smoothly. It was so important. "Well if that is all Angel, I do have work to get to." A deep-seated hurt struck her heart as the words left his lips. He didn't even have the courage to look her in the eye as he said this to her. Her smile disappeared as quickly as it came, her eyebrows furrowed as the feeling swallowed her whole. Was he, was he... "Are you kicking me out?" He looked up at her giving her an unamused smile "I believe I am." He said quite matter-of-factly. 

Her eyes widened at him, and her lips tightened but all he did was continue to look at the pages on his desk. She sat there half-stunned before a fierce fire was lit within her. Her cheeks turned red and her eyes darkened in anger as her tiny hands clenched to hold back her rage but only by a single thread that Anthony seemed so determined to cut. She got up slowly staring at the boy that sat in front of her, with a glare so vicious even Medusa could have turned to stone. 

Laying her hands on the edge of his desk he looked up at her from across the table. "Anthony Marcus William Bridgerton." She said coolly. "I have been preparing this meal for weeks, no, for an entire month making sure that everything is perfect for your family and mine." She kept walking toward his chair rounding the desk, step by step hearing the click of her heels as they made contact with the wood floor, as each word came out of her mouth. 

"I have made sure that every ingredient, every recipe is precise. I have spoken to the cook, the baker, the servants, and the wet nurse. I have made sure that everyone in this house is ready for tonight. Especially after this devastating loss that we all have had to endure." She stopped right in front of his chair as he turned to face her. Her face was the perfect picture of rage yet the way she spoke it was almost as if she were calm. Her eyebrows were creating a line between them as her eyes narrowed in on him. 

He could see that her normal emerald gaze was more the color of a dark forest. Her lips were pulled tight as her nostrils flared. "Are you telling me after weeks of isolation and mourning you are not going to come to the first family dinner we are holding?" She stood right above him close enough that if he reached out he could touch her. He could see the fire fueled in her eyes. Her lips were pulled back in a sneer, her green eyes looked like they were about to shoot arrows at him as she stared down at him right to his very soul.

She knelt down toward his ear to make sure that he understood, every... single.. word... For she would not be repeating herself. "Anthony Bridgerton on everything good and holy on this earth. If you do not come tonight to dinner so help you god I will torment you till the day I die. Every day, every night. I swear you will never find peace. Not in this life or the next." 

With All My Love, Angel _ Anthony BridgertonWhere stories live. Discover now