Entrance Exam

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Today's the day of the entrance exam. I know I'll be fine on the written portion, yet I couldn't help but feel nervous. Everyone started pouring into the building where the written exam would take place. I managed to find Midoriya and take a seat next to him. Once it was done, the Pro Hero, Present Mic, went over how the physical exam would work.

Evidently we were going to fight robots of varying points. The more difficult the robot was, the more points came with destroying it. I had suspected that the physical exam would include combat, however it seemed that was all it consisted of. I gotta admit I'm disappointed.

While Present Mic was talking, some big guy with glasses stood up, asked a question, and then called out Midoriya for mumbling to himself. I was sitting right next to him, but was so accustomed to it that it was like ocean sounds. Before everyone could start laughing or booing at Midoriya, I took offense and called the guy out.

"Would you sit back down? You're standing up just to yell is way more distracting then some introvert mumbling to himself. And why are you even here? This entrance exam is for freshman. You look at least twenty." I firmly stated. Chuckles and whispers could be heard from all around. The guy looked like he betrayed his own beliefs and sat back down. I couldn't help but think that guy was an asshole.

Present Mic went on to explain the rules of the exam and told us to get ready. It was finally time. I had completed my project a couple weeks ago and was carrying it around in a briefcase. As everyone was changing into fitness clothes, I did too. I found Midoriya outside a massive gate to a closed off city specifically made for UA exams. He was wearing a green tracksuit. I approached him wearing a similar blue tracksuit, and specially designed black gloves.

"Yo, Midoriya." I said.

"Oh hey, Y/N. I was just looking for you." he responded.

"No you weren't. I saw you checking out that girl." I teased. He had been watching a cute brown haired girl that was about his height. His face turned red at my comment. Then he noticed my gloves.

"Hey, what's up with those gloves?" Midoriya asked. I held a hand up and made a fist. The gloves had plating covering several wires. As well as a compartment that housed several packs worth of batteries.

"Remember when I told you I was working on something big? Well this is it. These are battery powered Shock Gloves!" I stated. Midoriya's eyes lit up and he started examining them.

"Wow! You made these? That's cool! But wait, how long can you use them before the batteries are depleted?" he asked. I pointed to a meter on the gloves, indicating battery life.

"No worries, I made these gloves to go with my quirk. The batteries can only last several minutes, but by refilling the batteries with energy after they're depleted, I can make them last indefinitely." I explained. Midoriya was about to explode. He held his arms up in the air.

"You've got infinite...energy...Shock Gloves!" he shouted, fanboying. I placed a hand over Midoriya's mouth.

"Try not to give away my secrets, okay man? I've got a feeling this exam is kind of an 'eat or be eaten' thing." I said. I took my hand off his mouth, and he nodded nervously in response. I couldn't understand why he was so nervous from me placing a hand on his mouth. Then I remembered I was wearing Shock Gloves. "Oh geez, my bad man. Listen, let's stick together! We can divide and conquer the weaker robots and team up against the tougher ones!" I declared. Midoriya looked at his hand, strangely and smiled.

"Alright!" he replied.

"What are you all standing around for?! Heroes don't wait, they take action, go!" Present Mic yelled from up high. Everyone bolted for the entrance to the city full of robots. Midoriya and I were practically in the very back of the crowd. As the first robots rounded the corner, people made their moves and they were done quick.
The two of us kept running around, searching for points.

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