Chapter 4 - Weirdo.

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"These are my mom's, but they should fit you," Y/N said as she handed Mina her mom's clean spare clothes.

"Thanks, but are you really okay with other people taking baths here in your house?" Mina asked hesitantly.

"Of course. You're not a stranger or anything, and you're my guest here, so it's only natural," the girl replied, before gently pushing the other girl into the bathroom alone.

Y/N returned to the living room and sat after Mina shut the door. She briefly rested her head on the sofa headboard. As she closed her eyes, her peace was broken when Nayeon magically reappeared at her side.

"I knew you couldn't resist forever; now you're spending the night with her; next stop, romance!" she exclaimed, smiling at the girl.

Y/N, on the other hand, ignored her and went to the guestroom to make sure Mina has a proper blanket and pillows and that her bed is comfortable to sleep in.

After 20 minutes of fixing the room, she returned to the living room, only to see Mina, who was dressed in her mom's clothes and was sitting on the sofa.

"Uh, thanks again for letting me take a bath in your house, Y/N," Mina said as soon as they made eye contact.

"Oh, no problem," she smiled as she reached under the coffee table for something. "So, Mina, do you want to play a game?" she asked, taking out the chess board and the monopoly.

Mina accepted her offer because it was still early and they had nothing else to do. "Okay, but I'm warning you, I'm pretty good at chess." She told the girl, and it was true, she was good at it, which earned her many awards and made her the vice-captain of their school's chess team.

"Great! a worthy challenger; this should be interesting!" Y/N exclaimed.

The first round of fast chess has ended after 10 minutes.

Mina lost.

"What?" she couldn't believe it, but her face remained poker-faced, but deep down she's super fired up because it's the first time she ever lost.

Y/N really reawakened her competitive spirit.

(Time skip)

After an hour, the second and final rounds were completed, and the score was 0-3 in favor of Y/N.

"All right!" The girl exclaimed, doing a victory dance while sitting.

Mina couldn't believe it, so she asked the girl. "How come I can't beat you?"

Y/N could only laugh at the girl's frustrated expression, so she did. "Well, you're going to have to put in a lot of effort if you want to beat me at board games."

Mina's competitive spirit has finally reached its peak thanks to what she just said.

"You don't have to act smug about it," the Japanese said, looking at the monopoly on the side. "Now, I've challenged you to a game of luck; let's see how well you do without your strategies."

Y/N quickly accepted her offer because she was amused to see this new side of Mina. "All right, but whoever loses has to make lunch for tomorrow, and I'll take two desserts, please," she proposed.

Before Mina could respond, she spoke again. "You're going down, Mina, and I'm going to be a billionaire."

So, on that stormy night, at Kang's house, an epic board game battle began.

Y/N, the girl who completely disregards the possibility of romance and Mina, wearing her best poker face, is out for revenge.

Each player oblivious to the situation. Each determined to be the winner!

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