Chapter 10

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"Bosacius! I advise you to start wearing a proper uniform! You always go around shirtless and it looks very inappropriate, especially for the little kids!" Menogias angrily spoke, showing Bosacius an proper outfit, only for Bosacius to give him a thumbs up.

"Bosacius! You need to start wearing a outfit!" Bonanus spoke, giggling as Indarias was also giggling meanwhile Alatus watched on the top of the rocks with his polearm.

"Bosacius-!" before Menogias could finish his sentence, Bosacius' eyes widened as he snapped his head to the direction to where the heavy wind was coming from.

"Bosacius? Are you alright..." Alatus asked, jumping down as he approached Bosacius with the polearm in his hands, Bosacius began running towards that direction as everybody either gasped or flinched.

"BOSACIUS! WHERE ARE YOU GOING!" Indarias shouted, everybody looked at one another and nodded in agreement as they ran after Bosacius who was already way ahead of them.

They finally reached Bosacius, only to notice him hiding behind bushes and trees in Qingce Village, which confused them as they approached an Bosacius who had his jaw wide open as his eyes were also wide open with a slight blush.

"Bosacius? What's wrong? You can't just randomly run off out of nowhere..." Menogias mumbled, everybody looked to notice a person who seemed to have a empty basket in their hands.

"I'm needing you to get some Fruits, Vegetables and Flowers for us! Get as much as you could!" the person's mother strictly shouted, the person nodded as they were about to leave.

"Who is that? They're so gorgeous!" Bonanus squealed in excitement, turns out that person was you! You picked your basket up as you blankly stared at it, getting ready to leave when you felt stares.

"Who is there...?" you mumbled, looking at the trees and bushes, only to notice nobody was there as you sighed from how paranoid you were and began leaving.

"I don't get it... they just seem to be a mortal being who seems to be getting stuff for their family?" Alatus questioned, Bosacius placed his index finger on his lips as Alatus groaned.

"You don't understand... I felt... Adeptal Enegry on them..." Bosacius spoke as everybody looked surprised "So what you are trying to say is that... they may become a Yaksha?" Menogias spoke as Bosacius nodded and checked to notice you were gone.

"Okay... let's follow them, I can sense their presence near by, they aren't that far from us so now is our chance to move" Bosacius spoke as everybody rushed to look for you.

They stopped as they noticed you walking through the dark, quiet forest while humming, you didn't even seem to look scared... maybe because you were used to it?

"Liyue Qixing... Liyue Qixing... I must remember my greetings and I need to get in... but how do I get in if I barely ever talked with anybody outside of Qingce Village..." you mumbled, thinking deeply as you continued walking.

"Liyue Qixing? Why do they want to join the Liyue Qixing?" Menogias asked, Bosacius sighed as he overheard a conversation between you and your mother but refused to admit it.

"Menogias... have you noticed that Bosacius seems to know but refuses to spit it out?" Alatus spoke harshly as everybody stared at Bosacius curiously.

"I'll tell you after, I suggest we help them and see what they say? We could get something out of them?" Bosacius spoke as everybody sighed and agreed.

"Let's see what we have here..." Menogias mumbled as they watched you, walking around as they noticed you kept pushing yourself to stay awake, trying to fall asleep but you refused to.

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