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I don't even know why I asked him that. It just slipped out before I could even make sense of it. But seeing him smile around her and be so grouchy around me just unsettled me.

And the fact that I was this close to kissing him rather than cleaning his mouth still rattled my mind. Fuck. He was straight and taken. I had to get a grip and stop hankering after him. Especially him.

I started walking to the main road. I heard Park come closer on his bike. I knew he wouldn't stop for me so I didn't say anything. But surprisingly he did.

"Hop on? I send you back."

"Thanks Park." I hopped on and held onto his waist. He didn't say anything and just rode off. The ride back was quiet but not discomforting. Rather, it seemed high in tension. Over the ride, I nestled closer to Park, holding onto him tightly. I leaned in closer to him feeling his breath hitch. I didn't do anything else but it was enough to create tension. Once we got to my dorm, I got off and looked at him. He took off his helmet and just stared at me, his cheeks flushed. I smirked at him, leaning in very very close but not kissing him. Then I pulled away and just muttered, "thought I saw cream again. My bad."

I then took a step back and was about to walk away when Park held onto my hand. He pulled me back and I held onto his waist to stabilise myself. He looked at me piercingly.

"I'm straight Beam."

"I know."

"I'm taken."

"I also know."

"So why do I want to kiss you badly?"

"Then do so. Who's stopping you?"

Park looked at me for a long while about to lean in when suddenly he stopped. He sighed.

"I am not a cheater. Even if its not a relationship I want."

I blinked my eyes when I heard that. I didn't expect that of Park. I thought he would go with the flow. But he wasn't wrong to think that way. And suddenly at that moment, I envied Nung greatly. She had a great guy.

I stepped back, smiling. "I will see you around Park. Thanks for the ride."
Park nodded and put on his helmet. I watched as he rode off. I blew out air as I walked back to my dorm, my head filled with thoughts of Park. Just not in the way I thought it would be.

The next day, classes kept me busy. During lunch, Pha, Kit and I were busy chatting and eating when Forth, Park and Lam came by. Forth slid next to Pha automatically. Lam just sat next to Kit quietly who instantly blushed. Hmm, what was that about?

I was busy looking at them that I didn't realize Park was next to me. "What's so interesting about them?"

"They seem way too chummy. Plus Kit is blushing. When does he ever blush?!?!"

Park snickered. I turned to realize Park was sitting really close to me. I looked at him and he at me for a bit before he realized his folly and moved away. I coughed and just turned my attention to my lunch. Once lunch was over, we all broke up for classes again.

By the time I was done, it was 8pm. I was completely exhausted. I was walking back to my dorm when I saw Park at the minimart. He was arguing with Nung and looked pissed. I didn't say anything and chose to walk on until I heard Nung call out to me. I turned and smiled at them. Nung smiled back but Park just glared. What was going on?

"Hey guys, whats up?"

"P Beam! I been meaning to ask you this but Park was being so annoying about it. We are going on a couple trip and wanted to do double dating so wanted to invite you and Suyn. Would you come?"

I looked at her, stumped. I sneaked a look at Park and he kept stoic, refusing to look.

"Ah. When? I could be busy but I can see."

"Two weekends from now. Its term break for all so thought maybe you can spare 3 days?"

I nodded, promising to reply her. I then bid them goodbye and walked away, wondering on how to reject. 3 days on a trip wasn't a bad idea but 3 days around Park? Was that a good idea?

In You, I Seek (ParkxBeam) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now