Coffee With Friends

Start from the beginning

Everyone was talking about random things, I mean really random. Like Percy and Jason were talking about how much they loved each other and would marry the other for tax benefits; in 'the most bro way possible' of course. Though Piper and Annabeth were sharing their drinks with each other and generally acting like lesbians so I guess it wasn't that weird for them.

Hazel dragged me into their conversation about the haunted house. "Why are you starting the planning on this thing so early? It's barely September." Frank explained that planning these sorts of things always took longer than anyone realized, which Reyna backed up. I had never done anything like this before but Frank seemed to know what he was talking about, and I know Reyna does, so I wasn't gonna question it.

We ended up staying there for 2 hours and 27 minutes. We had long since finished our drinks and they tried to get me to get everyone refills since I 'know what it's like to make the coffee'. I told them they were right; because of that I wasn't gonna put that barista through the hellscape that was most of their orders.

Hazel reminded me that I had to get to work in an hour and 46 minutes. I have no clue how I lost track of time. I never did that, unless I was sleeping. Hazel hugged me goodbye and I rushed off to my dorm. Once I was there I got out my apron and started to iron it. It had gotten wrinkled beyond presentability while in my bag. Though I had to teach myself how to iron now; on the fly nonetheless.

Now I only had 34 minutes until my shift started. I hopped on the next bus and made it to my job with seven minutes to spare. When I walked in my boss was there waiting for me. "Hey. Is everything ok?" He proceeded to scold me for leaving the store unattended this morning. He dragged an apology out of me despite the fact that I just didn't care. After my boss and co-worker left I realized I'd forgotten my book and computer in my rush to get here.

Hazel had a key to my place, she could probably get them for me but I didn't want to bother her with something so small. I decided I could go without them for one night... eight hours... sitting here bored out of my skull. I was beyond screwed.

Time was going even slower than it had when that blond boy was here last night; who did end up walking through the doors at 12:06 on the dot again. He smiled at me and I groaned internally. It was bad enough when I was here alone not to mention with someone else here.

"What can I get for you?" He just laughed a bit and ran his hand through his hair in almost a nervous way.

"What? Forgot about me already?" I just rolled my eyes, Percy was right. At this rate, they were gonna roll out of my skull and right onto the floor.

I just shrugged now. "Call me crazy but you didn't seem too thrilled about your drink." He just nodded smiling again. The smile reached his eyes causing them to crinkle, and it revealed a dimple on his left cheek.

"Not wrong. Can you just throw like five shots in a cup and add a bit of cream to it?" The shock I was feeling must have been apparent on my face as he just laughed. It reached up to his eyes just like his smile. He already had smile lines around his eyes and mouth even though he couldn't have been older than Percy. How often did this guy smile?

He just shrugged and I turned around to make the drink. "Your funeral dude." I heard him laugh again. I didn't even say anything funny.

"I know. And it's Will by the way. I'd like to see you try and spell that wrong." I paused a bit and considered a few responses before deciding I had nothing else to entertain myself. I made the death drink and wrote 'Wile' on the side of the cup before passing it to him.

He laughed as he grabbed it and just shook his head. "Well? How'd I do?" He just smiled at me and took a swig of the coffee.

"Perfect." He passed me the money and I gave him the change back. He went and sat down doing the same thing he had last night. I sat back down and just started playing on my phone so it didn't seem like I was being weird. Dam social anxiety.

After 14 minutes, I heard him talk again. "No book tonight?" I glanced over at him and saw his headphones around his neck. His coffee was all gone and he had a notebook next to his computer with about a million colorful pens and highlighters. I just shrugged a bit.

"Left it at home on my way here. I was in a rush." He nodded a bit and seemed to be searching for something else to say. I just raised a brow and waited.

He settle on something and held up his cup. "Care to make me another then?" He smiled at me and I rolled my eyes getting up.

He brought the cup over to me smiling even more. "You're gonna give yourself a heart attack at this rate, Will." This time he rolled his eyes even though he was still smiling. I had put emphasis on his name on purpose to poke fun at him. Did I have an inside joke with some random guy?

I took the cup and started making him his second drink. "I'm training to be a doctor, I think I can prescribe my own medicine, Niccolo."

Hey, guys, gals, and non-binary pals!

Let me know if you have any ideas for the haunted house because I've got a few but I'm always open to more

Let me know what you thought of the chapter

Have a great day/night!

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