Confronting Pasts

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“I did not know you thought of me as a lady.” She touched her chest in mock appreciation.

“You know exactly what I think of you. It’s sad it has to come to this but an agreement is an agreement.” He gave her a smile that told her he had her exactly where he had her.

“Now, that is not true, is it?”
Jonathan narrowed his eyes at her, “What do you mean?”

“Our agreement was that you would stay out of our business as long as we remained neutral, now I cannot say that I had expectations from you but I cannot help but be disappointed.”

“Is this another one of your games?”

“No, games are your thing. You gave us up to Simi as potentials for her little army of brainwashed people, I admit that the uniforms are something glorious but common… Abriel was a collateral damage for your side deals which violates the agreement.”

Jonathan’s expression changed into something venomous as he glared at Koruna and wondered how she came by that information. “Aren’t you a beautiful storyteller?”

“Yes, I am beautiful but a storyteller… I don’t think my skills are up to that level. Don’t worry, I get it, you have your ways and I have mine. Denial doesn’t look good on you Jonathan.” Koruna calmly poured him tea.

Jonathan knew from experience not to underestimate Koruna, even more than most people which was why he had kept her alive for this long. “I see… Why are you here? To protect your little friends? Or is it because you could not keep the darker nature of yours and finally killed someone. Surely, you are not hiding here because of that.”

“That was you? Really? Cold Jonathan, cold. I thought we had a connection and history, how could you do me bad like that?” Koruna shook her head in mock disappointment.

“Tell me you haven’t thought about killing her yourself.”

Koruna eyed him carefully,
“You know an awful lot about me for someone who never leaves the Flames. Are you that obsessed about me?”

“Can’t you tell? I have never once stopped thinking about you.”

“It’s sweet, it really is.”

Jonathan gave a genuine smile, “You had the opportunity to make the best out of your life. You had the chance to leave this place for wealth and all the gory details but you couldn’t mind your business at the end of the day, always so drawn to the darkness. Your father gave his life for you, you know?”

“I have heard. Was that your handiwork?” Koruna raised her brow.

Jonathan looked at the tea in suspicion, “Is it poisoned?”

“Poisons are not my thing.” Koruna scoffed.

“He was a fair man your father, don’t you want to know about him?” He taunted.

“You think you are the best person to  tell me about him if I wanted to know?”

Jonathan shrugged, “Why not? He was my business partner on occasion.”

“I see, business. That is what you call what you do.”

“Why are you here? You could have escaped with your friends in that little escape route at the back there, yet you are here. What do you want?”

“To ask what you want.” She grinned.


“Is it? You don’t want me dead, you want me to work for you again… don’t you? Isn’t that why you recommended me for the brain washing, somehow you think I have my will shaken, I would do whatever you want me to do.”

“You think highly of yourself.”

“I have got good self-esteem. The best even.”

“Work for me and I will let all your friends live. It could be like old times again.”

“Awwwwwnnnn, lonely… you are lonely.”

“Yes Koruna.”

“I am not stupid, you don’t care about me, the only thing you have ever cared about is money. Ati is giving you problems, real problems… You want me to help you get rid of him by allowing my friends do you your dirty work. Destroy from within, that has always been your favourite method.”

Jonathan looked at Koruna appreciatively, “This is why I like you. You always know what I need without me saying a single word and now you have given me a solution that I honestly didn’t think of, it’s amazing how your mind works. You do tend to overthink and over estimate people Which is your weakness like now, giving me the answers to my headaches. Brilliant, you are brilliant.”

Koruna swallowed, “You are welcome, before we go further I have to know something. Was that your handiwork? The death of the Ballans.”

“No, I am much more discreet.”

“Did Shola have anything to do with it?” Koruna focused on his body language as she waited for his reply.

Jonathan looked at her in surprise, which broke his composure… “What?”

Koruna's rage knew no bounds as she thought in her head, “That son of a bitch!”

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