Part 1

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Unus' eyes flutter open, then immediately shut again in protest as a harsh pain floods her head and achiness washes over her body. How long has she been out? A while it seems.

Wait... Where is she?

Unus wills her eyes to open again, and despite their heaviness, the darkness trickles away and she's left staring at a figure leaning over her.

A few seconds pass of Unus staring the concerned face of this... person? They seem familiar, but-

"Are you ok?" they say, almost casually, taking her by surprise


'Oh- '

"Yeah, I'm good thanks." Unus lies, attempting to sit up, clearly failing miserably as next thing she knows, there's a supporting hand on her back, gently easing her up into a sitting position.

As Unus takes in her surroundings, she realizes that she's in a forest, a dense spruce one at that, with trees all around. It's dark, and the full moon shimmers overhead, the stars twinkle in the vast void of space.

She feels the grass underneath her, it was soft, and the ground, quite comfy. Not the worst place to be.

A warm blanket is over her shoulders, gently waving. Unus pulls it closer, wrapping it around her more. It makes her feel safe, and in familiar surroundings, for some reason.

The entity crafts something a little way in front of where Unus is sat-

Wait, where have they gone?

They appear in front of Unus, glowing slightly purple for a minute. This startles Unus and she takes in a sharp breath. This, however, is immediately regretted as a stap of pain flashes across her chest, and she realises just how tired she is.

The entity blinks confusedly and then say,

"S-sorry for startling you Unus."

"Hey, i-it's ok, no worr... wait. How in the name of the void do you know my name!?"

Unus never told them her name, well, she doesn't think she did... but they have probably met before, she's too tired to think about it too much.

The entity was suddenly kneeling down in front of Unus, torch in hand.

In the light, Unus can make out some purple streaks in their hair and some slightly discoloured markings on their face, they have deffmet before somewhere, but she doesn't know who or what they are.  Something to figure out later.

With the amber light glowing around them, the entity hands over some bread.

"You can eat this, right?" they whisper, slightly unsure by the looks of things, but there is something else they wanted to say as well, Unus feels it.

She nods slowly and very gratefully takes the bread as great hunger has settled in, offering a quick glance at the entity before eating.

They stare at Unus with a hint of concern as she eats the bread, they open their mouth, probably to say something, then decides against it.

"Are you alright?" Unus asks after finishing most of the bread, saving some for later, you know, just in case.

The entity looks conflicted, unsure of what to say. They finally settle on:

"Do you not remember me?"

This startles Unus, even though she was expecting a question like that since they said her name. She doesn't want to hurt their feelings by saying no, but is there anything that proves she does?

She must have somehow made this point clear, maybe in an expression.

"It's alright, I don't know what I was expecting. The incident changed many things and hurt many people... and the portal..."

They trail off, and appear upset by something for a moment until they glow purple momentarily, disappearing in a puff of purple particles, only to re-appear a moment later with a glow and a smile on their face.

Taking a breath, they say:
"Greetings Unus, my name is Wisteria, of the End.  It is great to see you again."

I hope you enjoyed part 1, if you did read this.  I will try to get a part 2 soon.
I also have a YT channel which I will hopefully make videos based on this.
Thanks so much for reading

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2023 ⏰

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