Harribel: *weakly and in shock* Lo-ord Aiz-Aizen?

Harribel's face could only show shock as she stares at Aizen who stares back at her with an emotionless face that presents a small smile

Aizen:Harribel. . . . . . .you are of no use to me anymore

Harribel: *slowly began to fall*Wh-What?

Aizen:You are weak now fall *sheath his sword*

The three individuals that were there watch in shock at what their enemy as done to one of his own subordinates as they watch Harribel fall towards the ground

Harribel body move the other way around turning her back against Aizen as she falls face forward towards ground creating a small crater around herself

And as she lay there on the ground slowly succumbing to death she thought of her final moments

Harribel: *mind* Is this truly the end? will I truly die here after being betrayed? after everything I've done for him and even after gaining such power as my time truly come

Harribel's vision started to become blurry as she look on upwards to see all the fights that were happening around her

Harribel: *mind* Mila, Apacci and Sung-Sun forgive me as I'v-I've failed you

Harribel slowly closed her eyes succumb to the void of darkness that took her in as she accepted her death but then


???:HeyHeyHey don't you dare die on me now

Harribel: *mind* Huh

Harribel seemingly still alive was able to hear the voice of someone that was near her

???:You lost a lot blood but don't worry I'm not letting you die here

Harribel: *mind* What?

Harribel body was moved the other way around faced upwards as with a little bit of strenght she opened her eyes to see someone crouched beside her

???:Hold on there little *starts to wrap something around the cut Aizen gave her* this will stop the bleeding for now but I'll fully heal you back at my home

Harribel: *mind* Who. . . .Who is. . .that

Harribel's vision slowly began to get a little clear as she then sees a male being with dark brown hair but that's all she could see now

Said male finished wrapping up Harribel's injury as then he picks up Harribel like a bride and soon start to quickly make his way out of the area

Harribel: *mind* Why. . . . .is he . . . . .helping me?

Harribel could barely see but she did knew that she was being carried away from the area the battles are happening as she could only wonder why this male is helping her

???:Just hold on okay I'm taking you to safe place so for now just rest okay just rest

Harribel: *weakly* R es st

???:Yeah! just rest lady just rest

And with the words being said Harribel followed them as she soon closed her eyes and rested on the male's arm who said male is now making sure they weren't spotted by either Aizen or the soul reapers

Seeing that no one was after them he took his chances and quickly made his way away from the battle against one of the smartest and most powerful being that has ever existed

Harribel on the other hand just tested finding herself in a very calm and peaceful state in the man's arms

Harribel: *mind* This feeling. . . .it's warm and peaceful as if it feels like I'll be safe around this man forever. . . . . . .just who are you?

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