Chapter 4

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"Here we are you guys!" Charlene hurried down eagerly into the camp, unsurprised that it lived exactly up to her expectations of being basic.

"Yes, isn't it exciting?" Jill turned to Ellen with a widened grin.

A moment. A moment can be any length of time, the only specification is two people feeling something, and boy there was a lot to feel in that beautiful, perfect moment. Looking straight into Ellens widened gaze, Jill hungrily watched and waited for a response, her grin not fading even a fraction. Despite the unprecedented upcoming weeks, the two remained happy.

"It looks great, doesn't it!" Ellen replied, breaking the pair out of their trance.

The camp was pretty average, a toilet known as 'the dunny', a mysterious RV, various places for washing and scattered cots and hammocks to which jill and Charlene had already chosen their spot on.

"I'm gonna give the hammock a go." Jill told the pair. Attempting to climb in but failing miserably as she fell to the ground.

Ellen almost fell over in a fit of giggles. It was too hilarious not to laugh at her and luckily jill was having a chuckle too.

"Let me help you up." Ellen held her hand out to offer it to Jill who graciously took it. It was smooth, she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to hold it in hers, hold it for so long that it became warm and protected, to feel like they could be glued together yet happy forever.


"Welcome to our future hell!" Ellen spread her arms wide with sarcasm as the rest of her campmates walked in.

Hugs were shared all round the group of total strangers, the knowledge of a million prying eyes watching them through hidden cameras.

After all the greetings, the group sat down at the campfire to get to know one another.

"Budge up."

Jill had chosen to sit next to her! Oh she felt it an honour. But why she felt so strongly for Jill still remained a mystery. Well to her anyway, it was already becoming obvious to the public and her other campmates that she had 'the hots' for Jill.

Once mike had stoked up a fire and squeezed himself on the end of the log, the conversations began.

At first it was one conversation batting off each other like a game of tennis. Then Owen and sue began talking about the inside jokes they had thought of in the trial earlier that day and so the group split off into little sections.

Ellen sat, head in hands, staring at the flickering flames of orange and yellow lining her vision.

"So," the voice from her left made her jump as Jill moved that inch closer until their legs were touching. "The trial today, you did bloody amazing!" She patted Ellen on the back as the girl's eye line stayed glued to the fire, not turning to Jill in the fear she might notice the pleasant smile creeping over her lips at the praise.

"You too!" She replied, the fire reflecting in her eyes.

"Look I just want to say something." Finally, Ellen turned, the burning embers still being watched from her peripheral vision. "I just want to say what You did today was so brave and I really admire you for it. I know you're scared but I'm right here whenever you need, but I know you are a strong, powerful woman who can do anything she wants."

The fire grew bigger as a log was thrown on it, causing the sparkle in Ellens eye to heighten.

"Thank you."

Ellen wasn't really sure of the formalities after a talk like that but she really was desperate to give Jill a hug. The pair truly appreciated the hug that they thought would be only important to them and would remain a moment.

What they didn't realise was millions of hungry eyes watching them from their tv's and four curious eyes from the logs around them.

Happiness is a butterfly - a Jill Scott I'm a celebrity fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now