Chapter 1

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I woke up shivering, Anxiously I looked around my room, looking out my window to see the two moons still up, close to setting.
carefully I got out of bed and opened my door and headed down stairs through the dark. Great spirits I'm hungry, I thought well my stomach growled.
I continued my way down our stairs, the steps creaked as I walked.

I walked into our kitchen and lit the fire, I should probably start breakfast now, Fern and mom will be hungry. I thought, taking a peak around the kitchen and opened up the hatch leading down to our pantry, I felt for the boxes and jars of ingredients that sat on our shelves. Bet Fern and Mom would like pancakes; I thought picking up the flour along with the other ingredients I needed.
I stepped back up the ladder into our kitchen once more, placing the goods on the counter. I walked out of the kitchen and into our living room, picking up a few logs and carrying them back into the kitchen. I gently tossed them into our wood burning oven, the fire burning brightly. Taking a deep breath a walked into our living room and onto the balcony. The air was cool on my face, I could see the sun starting to rise as I looked out soon the floating landmass of which I lived on.

I walked back inside with a sigh and put on the oven mittens. I heard a creek from our stairs but continued to make the pancakes, mixing the ingredients, putting the pan on our oven, the smell was amazing.
"Atlas? What are you doing up?" I heard my sister say in her sweet voice.
"Making us some breakfast." I said not looking up from my activity.

I could sense her nod as I looked towards her. "Had a good sleep?"  I asked her.
"Yeah, what time is it?" Fern responded.
"quarter to 7."  I noted, looking out of a window and to the rising sun.
I looked back down at the pancakes, the sizzling sound was calming. "Want me to fly you to school?" I asked.
"Sure."  Fern Replied.
"Pancakes are done, Here." I said plating a portion of pancakes for my sister and passing them to her.
"Thanks Atlas."
"No worry's."

I went back into the kitchen and took a wooden mug out of our cupboard, Looking to see Fern gobbling down breakfast I filled up the mug with water and relit the wood burning oven. I tapped my hand on it a few times to check how hot it was, keeping my wings well away from the fire well doing so.

I put the water filled mug on top of the oven, a bit of steam coming from the wooden mug. Should take a while to heat up... I thought before hearing my mom come down the stairs, her blue and white wings made it appear as if they were a frozen river. "Morning Atlas, Is Fern down here?" She asked me.
"Im right here mom!" Fern answered from the other room.

Though we were all awake, there was still some kind of silence no amount of talking or floor creaking could fix. "Here's some pancakes Mom, now Fern let's get you to school." I smiled.
Fern nodded her wings drooping though; as I went to get my stuff on.
Where is my belt? I need my dagger in case some Mots or Tomhet appear... "Mom where's my belt and dagger?" I asked.
"Oh, I think I put it back in your room." She said through a mouthful of pancakes well covering her mouth with one of her wings.

I sighed, walking up the stairs quickly. I skipped into my room and looked around, "Where did you put it IN my room Mom?" I shouted down the stairs.
A few moments of silence before my mother voice broke it, "should be on your desk Atlas, also when are you going out with your friend?"
"Thanks mom! Also he isn't just a friend; His name is Thrush and we will be going out after I drop Fern off." Can't believe I almost forgot about hunting with Thrush! Violet Ravens...

I quickly looked over my desk and spotted it over a pile of paper. Grabbing it I cut myself on a price of metal poking out of my belt, I quickly shook of the blood and put my belt and dagger on, I let one of my hands reach out and touch the leather that masked the blade, it felt calming knowing it was there.

I breathed a breath of relief, not broken, I thought. I quickly walked downstairs, scratching the back of my neck.
"Ready for school Fee Fee?" I asked my sister.
"I told you to stop calling me that, Great spirits Atlas; but yes I am ready." She answered.

I laughed, my mom turning to give me a stern face.
"Let's go then." I said rolling my eyes back at Mom. My sister nodded, her brown dress flowing as she twirled. Her dark blue wings seemed to contrast perfectly with it; "you look amazing Fern, since when did you have that dress though?"
Fern shrugged "I got it from Robin."
Mom nodded, seeming to recall a interaction between my sister and her friend.
"Well that's kind of him." I said opening our front door.

The sun was finally up enough for us to fly, "Fern, what do you do if you see Tomhets or mots?" I said with a semi-shaky voice.
Fern rolled her eyes, "Run to the closest home or building and ask for help."
"Good, what if you see a Halvor?"
"They can't reach our islands as they are to and only a select few are born with wings."
I nodded, sighing out of relief. "Let's fly then."

I ran towards the edge of the cliff, the cobblestone path a bit slippery beneath my feet. I jumped off the edge with no hesitation and closed my eyes for a few seconds; it was peaceful being in free fall but I quickly opened my eyes and let my wings open, starting to flap them with all my might I looked up at the Monark kingdom. We lived close to everything but still on the outskirts, I started to fly up as Fern hovered above.

I smiled finally reaching her, "let's get a bit higher." I said through the wind, my sisters ear cuffs swayed in the wind as we spoke.
"Got it." She responded.

We flew higher together I took a small lead due to my larger wings yet Fern caught up soon enough.  We were a bit higher then the chimney on our house. I looked back at Fern as I stopped flapping, letting myself start to glide to her school. I could hear her wings cutting through the air. I looked back forward and say the floating Island in witch Wyverns-Hall stood, I landed carefully, a gust of dirt and grass flew up as I landed.
Looking up into the sky I ran out of the way quickly to make room for Fern. "Let's get you inside." I said taking a deep breath.

Walking inside the school I could see Ferns face droop,  "What's wrong Fee Fee?" I asked.
Fern gave me a angry face, "Stop calling me Fee Fee! How would you like it if I called you mx. Baker?"
"I was trying to be reassuring and a good sibling!"I said rolling my eyes in a joking way.

We walked a little bit more before we got to her class. I smiled at her teachers as they waved hi to Fern. "Oh! Who are you again?" Ferns teacher said to me.
"Atlas, They/Them and Ferns older sibling." I replied.
The teacher nodded as I walked out.

Time to go find Thrush... I thought with a grin.

//Author's note\\

Hello! The teaser should be down but don't worry if you haven't read it, it was just a introduction to this world. I hope you enjoy more of "The Nights Eye" as more comes out! Bye!!

Word count: 1330

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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