The Stranger - Lucky Guess

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The steed trotted down the gravel pathway, it's hooves hitting the earth below. The stallion's black mane swayed in the warm breeze, which occurred often. It's faint gray coat glistened in the sunlight; it's fine texture was due to the constant grooming of the beast. Atop the horse was a jockey of the female gender. She wore a red cloak, which was tied around her neck with a thin, red lace in a droopy bow. The fabrics poured down her back, and flowed over the sides of the horse saddle. Her hood was drawn back, as her long, black hair was exposed. The locks fell to down onto the seat, where it laid. The female looked to be an adolescent, with brilliant red eyes and a pale, round face. Her appearance was similar to that of a porcelain doll's. Her feet hung over the sides of the mount, reaching the stirrups below.

The stallion came to a halt, tossing it's head and giving a whinny. The jockey patted it's broad neck, as if to thank the horse. She sighed in relief, now that the journey had ended. She swung her leg over the saddle, so that both legs were on one side. She hopped off the stirrups, landing on the now cobblestone road below her. She stretched, groaning from being so stiff. After stretching, she turned towards the horse, and began to unlatch the equipment.

She let the horse free, leaving all the equipment on the floor. She wiped her forehead, then rounded the road to a double staircase that led to a single, large, broad door. She stared in astonishment at the doors, compared to hers at home.

She knocked on the door three times, and stood back. The fiddling of the doorknob on the other side indicated that someone would open the door. It creaked a bit, then swung open.


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