Story draft from Moon

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Heyo, it's been a hot minute!

I figured i'd post a tidbit of chapter 20 for any readers who also read this "book" haha


You reached to rub your thumb over the smooth surface of the moonstone. You had lost count how many times you had done this ever since you've been in the hospital. Just what had happened the day you saw your great grandma?

She said she would reach you soon, but if that was how she would reach you, then you didn't really look forward to it. But you still wanted to talk to her. She was...the only part of your old world that you had here. Everytime you looked at the necklace, you remembered your mothers smile as she gave it to you and your father's laugh as he helped you put it on.

It reminded you of home. And how homesick you were. And you'd only been in this world for what, a week? You weren't sure. You would have to keep count though, you couldn't get too comfortable and forget that you had family and friends waiting for you as much as you loved the people here.

You stared at the unfinished history homework in front of you. You would be done with your homework after this page. You let out a heavy sigh, quickly finishing the work with a hurried scrawl of your pencil. Putting the sheet with the rest of the finished work, you glanced at your phone. How many times had you thought about your world? It almost annoyed you at how much you had thought about it, but at the same time, you were still trying to make sense of everything that had happened.

You turned away from the black screen and clutched your necklace.

"Please, talk to me, great grandma."

Closing your eyes, you pressed the necklace against your forehead, hoping for something to happen. Anything. You wanted answers. You needed them.


"Great grandma?"


Your body slumped as you fell back against the pillows of your bed. Your hands still held the necklace which had begun to give off a shimmering glow, but you were fast asleep. At least, your body was.


and that's it! hope it's entertaining, i def had a lot of fun writing this part :D

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