Chapter 9: Your Reality

Start from the beginning

He brushes his fingers against the blue, overgrown flowers.
"Yes and no. It's true that this place has been here all this time — I've been here before, but... it's different. Aside from the flowers, everything is new."

Her curiosity is piqued.
"New? How do you mean?"

He observes the rest of his surroundings.
"This forest... should have been dead long ago. It's within such close vicinity to the campus, yet it's thriving. You'd think that the ecosystem would suffer from all of the war and fighting, but... this place is special.

Notice how there's all this plant life, yet there are no animals to be found? You'd think that this place would be a perfect habitat: teeming forests, clean water... but it seems the only thing that survives here are the trees and mushrooms."

The girl is barely able to comprehend what he's trying to say, especially considering what had just happened.

She crosses her arms.
"Get to the point. I still have some things I need you to hear."

Still looking the other way, he continues.
"The professionals are hiding something from us. They've been hiding it for over a year now, and nobody's noticed. Our world has been rapidly fluctuating due to natural events that we can't control. First it was the rain, and now it's..."

He stops for a moment, prompting her to speak up.
"It's...? It's what?"

He looks up and points at the night sky.
"It's that..."

She's lost for a moment, before she finally spots it.
"The... moon?"

He trembles at the name.
"The Full Moon. I can't exactly pinpoint it, but something is horribly wrong about it. It's causing this forest to grow unnaturally; it's the reason why all the animals are dead; it's the reason why only I know this place exists.

This place... exists on a plane between dream and reality."

Her curiosity turns into confusion.
"What... even exactly are you going on about?"

He barely gives her an answer.
"It's true. Lately, whenever I stare at the moon... my Danger Sense goes haywire. It's like something's telling me that there's something... or someone... that's lurking.

...You believe me... right, Momo?"

He tries to reaffirm his thoughts to his friend.

But she responds in a different light than he imagined...
"You're delusional."

His body visibly tenses up.
"Excuse me?"

Letting loose, she goes off on him.
"You've made up this entire deluded fantasy about the moon being cursed, all because you don't want to face reality."

His tone becomes slightly more aggressive.
"Are you trying to say I'm a liar?"

She tries to preach her truth to him.
"I'm saying that your mental health is on the brink of collapse if you've made this false scenario in your head, manipulating yourself to even believe that anything you just said could be true!"

He scoffs, confused.
"Manipulating myself? How can you even say that?!"

She answers thoroughly.
"I know how you are, Izuku. I know that you're someone that believes in the impossible, but who could blame you for thinking that after everything you've been through?

But now, you're faced with a harsh reality: a reality where you have to give up everything you've hoped your life was headed all to raise a family. And because of what?— Because you couldn't keep your hands to yourself?

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