Red Ribbon Army

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I woke up the next day hearing sirens as I got up. "ALRIGHT GET UP ALREADY SLEEPY HEADS ITS TIME TO DO BASIC TRAINING!" As I heard this I got annoyed growling. My father put his hand on my shoulder. I turned around glaring at him. He just looked at me indifferently. "Control yourself Broly. They are just getting everyone up and early in the morning this is how most armies are." He then told me to get dressed and follow him they wish to test how strong I truly am. I got up as I put on my usual jewelry, pants, and boots. Having no shirt was starting to grow on me as my muscles where toning out.

As I walked outside I noticed my father standing next to General Blue and Dr.Gero they seemed to all be conversing. "Broly you've come good get ready." I looked at him before noticing the targets on the other side of the field we where in. "Now Broly shoot a Ki blast at that target." I looked at him before looking back at the target focusing my energy. I charged a small green ki blast as I hurled it at the target it blew up, but I might have put to much power into it as it destroyed the two other targets surrounding it as well. "I can't believe it!" General Blue said now on the ground startled. Dr.Gero looked on extremely intrigued. "I've done some research and know that some great martial arts masters can shoot actual condensed attacks, but your boy Paragus is extraordinary." Paragus looked at me with a hint of pride.

"Was that good enough father?" I asked in a dull tone. "Yes, great job Broly we will run some more test today so be ready." I shook my head yes as I walked back to them. I then went through a couple more test. They had me punch a machine that I broke instantly. They then tried using guns on me but I just caught all the bullets took one to the head and walked it off. They had me do a couple more test, but then we finally made it to the last one. It was supposed to test how good I could fight. It was then a man in a pink Kimono stepped up. It was Mercenary Tao. This could be a good fight I thought to myself. I rushed towards Tao as he just stood there his confidence might be his downfall.

I quickly sent a barrage of punches he tried to block them but quickly noticed the strength difference. He jumped back before getting serious. He rushed towards me kicking my arms up before hitting me in the chest sending me back. However I caught myself before rushing back into the fight. I sent a ki blast at him in the heat of the moment. I got scared thinking I might kill him. However he sent a Dodon Ray blowing my unstable Ki ball up. "Broly this was a hand to hand battle!" My father yelled. Tao raised his hand,"It's fine he just got a little to into it. It happens with warriors all the time. He has incredible power and instinct like you said Dr. Gero however he lacks greatly in control, discipline, and technique. However I may recommend him to my brothers Crane School." He said with some interest.

Dr.Gero then walked up with my father. "Well I think that's a perfect idea. With training he will be able to use that power as a actual weapon that he can control for the Red Ribbon Army. Me and the boys father have already made plenty break throughs soon we will have prototype Ki blasters and Paragus tells me there is even more high tech technology out there." Dr.Gero smiled as he schemed the possibilities. Unfortunately for him I won't allow the Red Ribbon Army to rise to far. As we where talking Tao decided to take his leave. He informed me that he will tell his brother of me and if he accepts he will be back to come get me. I nodded my head and bowed. Tao then quickly left not leaving a sound.

Dr.Gero then told me to follow him and my Father. We walked through the main barracks of the Army before making it to a small building. Dr.Gero typed in some code as the floor started to move going straight down. After some time we finally came to a stop as we walked into a huge laboratory. As we walked I noticed our ship in a bay area. It was taken apart a little, stripped of some components. In all it looked fine. However as we kept walking I noticed a lot of robots seemed to be roaming around. I asked Dr.Gero if robots these advanced are common on Earth. "Oh no boy with your fathers help I was able to create and easily replicate these robots there not the most stable but they work great as extra hands." I stayed quiet at the information however that fact that he can replicate these robots in mass was not good.

Dr.Gero in the future manages to create the strongest android in history and that was without alien technology. With this he could make stronger and better androids. I will have to watch him closely otherwise this could come back to ruin me and my plans. We then stopped as a door slid open I walked into a huge open area. "This will be where you can train and Ill get data from my machines." As Dr.Gero said that he pressed a button open multiple hatches where robots came from. They immediately tried attacking me. I jumped up in the air dodging a barrage of bullets. One robot tried to grab me but I quickly grabbed its arms crushing them then kicking a hole in it. As more rushed at me I fought them off getting a real kick out of it.

"He is advancing greatly these robots could kill a whole army of men." Dr.Gero commented. "Of course he is a proud saiyan and my son. He will become stronger than anything anyone will ever see." Paragus commented. Dr.Gero then wrote some more notes down. "Well once I finished these prototype armor and blasters. I will start on my other plans." As the paper he put down highlighted the words super humans and androids.

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