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Captain America roamed around the Avengers Mansion with his precious shield by his side.There was one door that was making such a noise that he wondered if they were under attack. He bought his shield up in a protective stance then flung the door open.

The noise suddenly stopped as everyone looked at the door which randomly bursted open. The 1945 superhero stared at the rest of the avengers who were in the middle of something but froze when he came in.

"What's going on here?" Captain America asked confused lowering his shield.

"A party." replied Tony.

"I-I thought," The American stuttered.

"What?" Bruce asked, "A whole gang of H.Y.D.R.A was invading the mansion and they were threatening us to give them an invitation to Stony's wedding because they were a fan of drugged men and sexy red robots making out?"

"You basically mean H.Y.D.R.A likes porn?" Black Widow simplified.

"Hey I was drunk," Iron man pointed out, "And I might have spiked Captain's drink a little..."

"What's porn?" Captain asked innocently.

"Do you really want to know?" Tony confirmed.

"Well yeah." He replied.

"Then come to my room at 8:00 tonight and I'll show ya." Stark winked.


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