chapter 9: more than just a simple greeting

Start from the beginning

"Now I wouldn't really call it leaving you I would say it was-" I say before he cuts me off.

"forget it" he says to me and walks to the rest of the fellowship and leaves me alone with my thoughts.

Man, do I wanna murder that elf so badly right now.

I tilt my head back and groan loudly. Before following legolas to the rest of the fellowship.

I guess it's gonna take more than just a simple greeting to suck up to him then-

I catch up behind him when suddenly he walks to the front where gandalf is and stands in front of him.

I probably should be offended but before I could even start to get mad at him he suddenly says "there is a fell voice in the air" I open my mouth ready to interject and tell him I hear nothing when all of a sudden i hear it too. it sounds like someone is chanting...a spell?

"IT'S SARUMAN" Gandalf manages to shout before mountain rocks fall before us and heaps of rock almost hit us on the head.

"Maeral above you!" I hear Pippin shout to me and I look up before noticing a boulder going my way at top speed and could've hitted me where I stood if I didn't notice the rock and took a few steps back from the edge of the pass.

I stare at the spot where I could have been at my death mere seconds ago.

"Thanks, pip. That was a nice save" I thank him, and he nods and takes in a deep breath before looking up at me and saying "Knight in shining armor Pippin, always here to save the day" and both me and him laugh at our little joke before Aragorn cuts us off-

"He's trying to bring down the mountain!" He says hurriedly before continuing hastily, "Gandalf! we must turn back!"

"No!" Gandalf protests and stands up chanting a spell, probably in a spell battle with saruman.

the voice- Sarumans's voice- strengthens as he parries gandalf's spells and chants what I assume is the final, kill blow spell-

Then a lightning crack explodes on the mountainside above us and I look up in horror as I see a huge snow avalanche thundering down towards us and soon we were all covered in snow.

is this what it feels like to just be in the void and just do nothing?- I mean being under a blanket of snow isn't really like a void but more like a snow white void. But anyways, I felt like just lying there until suddenly I feel someone taking ahold of my arm and yanking me up back towards reality.

ugh I really would've loved just sleeping there and do nothing

In a few seconds I got out from the snow, back to as I said- reality, as I got yanked out of the snow by Legolas.

"Here she is!" Legolas says to presumably, the rest of the fellowship. Squinting my eye I can just make out Boromir and aragorn pulling out the shivering and shaking hobbits from the snow. What I didn't notice was that his eyes was on me the whole time and checking if I was alright and injured in any way

"Are you alright maeral?" I snapped my focus back to him and I forgot he was still holding my arm and I nodded at him before reassuring him that I was just fine. So much for trying not to talk to me at all eh Legolas?

After a while of reassuring him that I was fine he reluctantly let my hand go.

But he didn't leave my side.

Boromir urgently suggest to the group to make for the gap of Rohan, "We must get off the mountain! Make for the gap of rohan and take the west road to my city!"

Aragorn shakes his head "we cant, the gap of rohan would take us too close to isengard."

"Exactly, and by going through there we would leave ourselves completely exposed to new threats. I don't know about you guys but I do not want to face that in any way" I added, my patience running thin and just wanting to abandon all these people and go back home to my ship.

"we cannot pass over a mountain. Let us go under it! let us go through the mines of Moria." Gimli says what he has basically been suggesting everyday ever since we went on top of the mountains besides taking his advice and going under it.

Gandalf seems to consider all these suggestions for a while before eventually asking Frodo, the ring bearer which path he wants to go through.

"let the ring bearer decide." and all eyes go on Frodo, waiting for a response from him.

while Frodo looks around to all of us Boromir shouts to gandalf over the snow blizzard, "we cannot stay here! This will be the death of the hobbits!"

"Frodo." gandalf says to Frodo, urging for him to tell him his decision.

Oh frodo please don't make a dumb choice. Honestly he didn't really have that much of an option, it was either you go through the mines, or you go through isengard. Where many orc's lie waiting. I really hope he goes through with the mines, if that place is as cheery as Gimli promised us for it to be. I'm sure it would be better than going through isengard.

"we will go through the mines" Frodo finally makes his choice and I release a bit of a sigh, I couldn't really tell if it was a good sigh or a bad one. I had a feeling this wasn't gonna go well.

"so be it" Gandalf says and we then make our way towards the mines of moria.

a/n: shits is startin to go down and next chapter will be particularly very heartbreaking- well if my writing does it any justice lmao. Also talking about snow makes me emo because I live in a tropical country and we dont get snow here unfortunately so I very much yearn to make snowmans at least once in my life, oh and Maeral is starting to talk to legolas and their dynamic will be shown more and more each chapter:)) but anyways I hope you guys like this chapter and vote for it if you liked it!!

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