Chapter 6 (EP1)

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Lessons were always boring to Estelle; she could never find an interest in a topic she either already knew or found to irrelevant to be necessary to learn.

However once in a while there would be a spark for a particular topic, and that spark has not changed for a while now, figure skating.

It was the only place she felt safe to be her, just her and the rink. No cameras, no reporters sometimes not even her coach, just her and 1830 square meters of ice. It was like her own little heaven, full of unexpected turns and exploration. Practicing till dawn on a single move she wanted to perfect, and best believe she perfected every move she made, because even though she was a 14 year old girl, she had a title, a reputation and a presence. The world was watching her, and her competitions and anyone who stood their to say she didnt earn it can go to hell.

She worked for every podium, every first place medal, every trophy, she fought. Possibly more than she should have, because all the comments over the years slowly accumulated into a detest for losing, and she would NOT lose.

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