Harry's face had turned red in anger and he slowly rose from his chair, standing in his full height in front of Louis. Louis would lie if he said he didn't feel intimidated by him. His stare was hard, his jaw tense, his eyebrows knitted together. "What did you just say?" His voice was low, a threat, only meant for Louis' ears.

Louis smirked slightly. There was no backing out now. "I said, they only want you for your dick."

"That's not true," Harry huffed.

"So if I asked you if you haven't slept with any of them, you would be able to give me an honest 'no'?" Louis quirked an eyebrow, but it was quickly washed off his face when he felt a hand collide with his cheek.

"Think before you fucking spe-" But Harry didn't get finish his sentence William interrupted him. The man had stood up from his seat and walked to the two boys. Louis hadn't even noticed.

"You two!" he said, pushing them further away from each other. It was only then Louis realized he had been standing so close that he could feel Harry's breath hit his sore cheek. "I do not want to tolerate this! Detention, for both of you, after classes have ended for the day. I want you to meet up at my office and I will give you your assignment. Until then, stay away from each other!" He looked between their two faces, anger and disproval evident on his face. He let out a sigh and ran a hand over his face. "I had expected more from the two of you."

"Fine, Mr Roberts," Louis said and sent Harry one last hard glance before returning to his seat next to Niall.


The day went way to quickly to Louis' liking and he felt that no time had passed when he found himself in front of William's office. Harry wasn't there yet and he was unsure if he was to knock or not. He didn't. Instead, he just stood still in front of the door, awkwardly waiting for Harry to show up. Louis' last class had been Religion and Harry's Chemistry, the only two classes they didn't have together. Thank God. Religion was bad enough itself, paired with Harry... Louis would rather jump in front of a train.

He heard footsteps coming his way and he turned to the left, looking in the direction from which they came. It was Harry. He was wearing a blue sweater and black jeans, his hair collected in a small bun at the back of his head. Louis couldn't help but chuckle lightly at the sight of the bun. Harry might have slightly longer hair than most of the boys in the school, but yet not enough to make it into a proper bun. Hair was falling out from it, framing his face delicately.

"You finally made it," Louis grunted as soon Harry was within ear shot.

"I had to help clean up after class," Harry said, an apology edged into his words. It sounded... sincere.

Louis shook his head. "Whatever. You were late."

"Jesus Christ-"

"-No need to call me that."

"Just knock on the fucking door, will you?" Harry sighed.

"Why don't you?" Louis bit back.

"Fine," Harry breathed and lifted his hand to knock, but Williams voice was heard even before his fit connected with the wood.

"Come in! You have been standing there long enough!"

Louis rolled his eyes and pushed past Harry to open up the door.

William's office was nothing like what he had expected. He had expected white walls and only black furniture. But maybe it was only because the only ever office he had been in was his father's, and that had looked exactly like that: black and white.

William's office was colorful and... full of life. The walls were a deep shade of green. On the walls there were family pictures and a body length mirror. There were bookshelves upon bookshelves, filled to the brim with colorful books. It reminded Louis slightly of their own library at home. The desk in the middle of the room-where William was seated- was overflooded with papers and different small plants.

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