𝓖𝓻𝓸𝔀𝓷 𝓮𝓿𝓲𝓵

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You got up out of bed and grabbed your robe, you tied the belt into a knot and marched out of the bedroom. Lesso didn't bother following you, she knew you'd tell Sophie off in a good enough way that it'll be handled.

You went downstairs and saw Sophie standing in the middle of the hall covered in scratches and bite marks “You!” She looked up at you “You, go up to your dorm! Breaking the rules! I explained it perfectly clear! You get no help! But you sneak Agatha in there with you!?” Sophie frowned “I didn't-” You raised your hand and she stopped talking.

“I don't want to hear your ridiculous and idiotic excuses! You've broken well respected rules! Now go to your dorm and do not come out until I or Lady Lesso have said otherwise!” Sophie huffed and stomped off to her dorm like a grounded teenager, which is technically what she was.

The next day you where practically falling asleep at your desk, you where so tired and so sore that once you fell asleep on your desk the pain in your body would snap you awake.

You groaned when Dovey came into your office “Why is it so dark in here?” You put your head down on your desk “Because I want sleep.” You heard Dovey sigh and snap open your curtains, you groaned louder “Rafal is back.” You groaned even louder. “Who's dick is her trying to suck now?” Dovey tapped you on the head for swearing and you slowly raised your head up. “He has Sophie, and we have to find her.” You groaned and slowly got up from your desk following Dovey out of your office. You looked all around the castle, but you couldn't find Sophie anywhere until you both went into the library and saw Sophie circling Lesso.

She had tears in her eyes and Sophie was just giggling, “What has he promised you.” Dovey and you walked next to Lesso “And what have you promised him.” Sophie smiled “You're all such dolls to ask.” She twirled her finger and blood magic appeared causing you too gasp “Oh god Sophie-” Before you could stop her she had turned you, Leonora and Clarissa into dolls. Soon enough the rest of the teachers joined you and Sophie disappeared. You all yelled and screamed but of course no one heard you, after a while Agatha came in with the rest of the Ever boys and girls. Their ball must've been interrupted, you couldn't hear them very well but once you saw the boys pull out their swords you knew they where going to attack the Nevers.

You yelled for them to stop but of course no one heard, Agatha yelled saying that good doesn't attack it defends and you where happy she had learnt something from being here. All the students disappeared from the room including Agatha, after what seemed like forever the walls began to crack and shake. You heard tiny footsteps running through the library, that's when you saw her, Tristesse. She had tears running down her face and her hands where shaking “Mommy! Momma! Where are you!” She looked around the library but hadn't noticed the dolls yet.

Suddenly a slab from the ceiling fell above Tristesse and as soon as it was about to land on her it turned red and rose up into the air, the castle slowly started to out itself back together and the magic began to where off of you and the other teachers. Soon enough you where back to normal and Tristesse ran towards you and Lesso “Mommy!” You picked her up and hugged her tightly “Its alright mon petit agneau, it's alright.” Lesso wrapped her arms around both you and Tristesse whilst Dovey stretched her arms up. Being stuck as a doll for so long really made your bones go stiff.

“We should head to the never castle, make sure the students are okay.” You and the other teachers rushed over to the Never castle and saw all the students of good and evil talking and laughing together. “What?” Lesso tilted her head and Dovey smiled “Good and evil together?” Anemone smiled slightly “Well....what now?” Dovey looked at all the students with a large smile on her face “Union, I suppose. Perhaps even friendship?” Lesso and Dovey smiled at each other.

And attempted to hug, but changed their minds. It had to be the most awkward thing you'd ever seen “There's no rush!” Dovey laughed and nodded “Yes! Slow and steady wins the race.” They both laughed together until you all heard a strange noise, the teachers turned around and saw Sophie and Agatha standing Infront of a portal, to a place that looked to be Gavaldon.

You saw Agatha say goodbye to Tedros and she held Sophie's hand walking with her through the portal, they where gone. Thank god. The past few weeks had gone quickly by, you looking after Tristesse whilst Lesso and Dovey made it so that the schools where connected and good and evil where together, weeks turned into months and months into years.

~10 years later~

Tristesse was running around the castle halls, she'd grown up with evil running through her veins and the devil on her shoulder. She dyed her hair black and made it so she dressed like her villainous mother “Tiz! Stop running through the halls!” She didn't listen to any of the teachers, she was determined on getting this spell. She wanted a spell that would keep her alive and make it so she can't be killed, she didn't want to be immortal like you. She just wanted a stable way to remain alive.

She ran into the library and dragged her nails along the books before landing on a book that said “Spells of binding” She smirked and flipped through the book “Oh! This will do.” She found a spell that would tie her life to someone else's, in the sense that if she dies they die and if they die she dies. She thought of someone that was extremely difficult to kill and wasn't immortal. So you where off the table entirely, which left her mother, Lesso.

“No.” Tiz frowned at Lesso and slammed the book down “Why not!” Lesso raised her eyebrow “You are 15 Tristesse you shouldn't even be thinking of these types of spells, you are far too weak for them.” Tristesse gritted her teeth and crossed her arms “Maybe you're too weak to handle it.” Lesso clenched her fists, her daughter knew how to push her buttons. “I am not weak Tristesse, you are just a brat, now get out and go study. Your mum wants to tea h you today.” Tristesse groaned, hate was an understatement of what she felt for you.

She despised you, how good you where and how happy you seemed, always smiling or laughing it infuriated her. You sat with Tristesse in your office and taught her about the history of good and evil “Who's the school master now?” You smiled slightly, ever since it was discovered Rafal was posing as the school master you where promoted to School Mistress “Im the school Mistress Tiz, I thought you knew this.” She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair.

“Hey, don't roll your eyes at me, it's a really big responsibility!” She glanced over at you “Does that mean the Storian is in your possession?” You nodded and Tiz had this smirk on her face that made your stomach feel uneasy. Maybe you shouldn't have told her that. Your office was in the tower Infront of the school, the storian was downstairs hidden away, Once you finished teaching Tristesse she quickly went downstairs. You of course not being an idiot followed her, Tristesse attempted to find the storian but of course it was that easy “You won't find them Tiz, it's hidden away. Just come to the castle it's time for dinner.” She groaned and followed you all the way to the dining hall.

You sat between Lesso and Dovey at the end of the hall on the long table, Tristesse sat next to Lesso stabbing her food, she didn't talk for the entirety of dinner. After she was finished murdering her roast she inhaled the food and stood up “I'm going to bed early. Night mom's.” You wished her sweet dreams and Lesso said goodnight. But of course your daughter wasn't going to bed, she was hiding in you and Lesso's bedroom until you both where in bed. If Lesso wasn't going to let Tristesse do the binding spell then she'd do it without her knowledge.

Tristesse quietly moved from the shadows towards Lesso muttering the spell under her breath, she pinched Lesso's arm and felt the pain in hers as well “It worked.” She smiled and quietly left the bedroom going to her own.

Now she could commit the most evil of deeds and couldn't be punished for it, not without hurting Lesso as well. Which you could never do.

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