Chapter 9: The lions den

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Caleb's POV

Everything is turning out great. With that little brat in my clutches, I'll have a better chance of getting those boys souls. The one thing I don't understand is how that little girl took my spell away from them. Maybe she's more special than I thought she is. But alas, I need those boys and those powers of theirs.

Caleb: Dante.

Dante: *poofed* Yes, sir?

Caleb: Make sure that when the boys get here, you get security and take them to my office. Oh and make sure William doesn't get away from us again. I heard he was coming.

Dante: Yes, Mr. Covington. *poofed out*

William made have gotten away from me once, I'm not letting him get away again. I'm make my way to the dressing room and see Ms. Molina getting ready with the other performers.

Caleb: Julie, are you ready for our performance?

Julie: Of course Caleb, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Caleb: Wonderful, meet on stage in 15 minutes.

Julie: Will do.

I walk out of the dressing room and made my way to my office. All the traps are set and those will be mine.

Caleb: The show must go on.

Luke's POV

We poofed over to the Hollywood Ghost Club waiting for Willie to give us the signal. I still can't believe Flynn can see us, Reggie told me everything and I can tell he has a small crush on her just by the way he looks at her. It's adorable honestly. And he also told me that Alex got his first kiss with Willie. I knew they were gonna kiss someday, I just didn't know when. Back to the subject, Willie poofed right next to us saying the coast is clear.

Luke: Flynn, you sure you want to come with us.

Flynn: Boy, that's my best friend there. If you think I'm gonna sit back and watch, you got another thing coming.

Luke: Geez, okay.

To tell you the truth, Flynn scares me  a bit. We went to inside the club by the back door and search every door for Julie. I was making my way to the next door until I hear familiar singing. I carefully walk towards the singing and saw Julie dressed up like she was in the 1920s. That can't be Julie, she would never want to sing for Caleb. Even after all we been through. Caleb must have done something to her I know it. I wanted to get closer but I felt someone grabbed me by the arm and put his hand over my mouth.

Guard: You're coming with me.

He took me to Caleb's office and I saw everyone there. Alex, Reggie, Willie, Flynn, and Nick were here. And as expected, Caleb was there to greet us. OH GREAT.

Caleb: Hello boys, and lady. I hope you enjoyed the show. Ms. Molina was a really good opener.

Luke: Cut the crap, Caleb. I know you're doing something to Julie. She wouldn't agree to this of you hadn't done something to her.

Caleb: You may want to check that tone of yours, Lucas.

Alex: We just want Julie safe and sound.

Reggie: You can't just keep her hostage.

Caleb: Oh but I can, with my sources I already know your little plan. Isn't that right, Nicholas.

Nick: Yes, sir.

Luke: Nick?! How could you do this? You said you wanted Julie to safe.

Nick: Yeah, safe from you guys. You really think I will let Julie be broken hearted by a ghost who can't even be with her.

That struck me in the heart right there. He was kinda of true though.

Nick: That's what I thought, Julie deserves to be with someone who won't abandon her. And do you really think she's capable of loving you? Well you're wrong, Ghost boy.

He was about to walk away until he turned back to me.

Nick: Oh and one more thing.

He punched me in the face and I fell to the ground. I guess that lifers can touch Ghost.

Caleb: Well, let's get back to business. Fuego, can you please get Ms. Molina.

Fuego: Yes, sir. *poofed out*

Caleb: Since we are all reunited I just want to say that I'm really disappointed in you, William.

Willie looks down looking defeated. I can't say I blame him, he did help us escaped from him. And I know that he means so much to Alex, it will break his heart if he lost Willie.

Caleb: I had so much hope for you and you wasted it. I do have to punished you. But first, I need to deal with this unfinished business.

Just then, Julie came in and she has a smile I couldn't recognized, like she didn't remember who we are.

Julie: Hi Mr. Covington.

Caleb: Oh Julie you know you can call me Caleb.

Julie: Sorry Caleb, it's just so new to me.

Caleb: It's okay dear.

Julie: Who are these people?

Caleb: Oh they're going to be the new members of the HGC.

Julie: That's amazing.

Luke: No it's not.

Julie: I'm sorry who are you?

Luke: Julie, you don't remember me?

Julie: I think I would've remembered you if I've have seen you guys around.

Flynn: Do you remember me?

Julie: Flynn, you're here too? That's so great we are going to have an awesome time hanging out here.

Flynn: Julie, are you feeling okay?

Julie: I feel great. With the three of us, we will an amazing band.

Flynn: Three?

Julie: Yeah me, you, and Nick.

Flynn: Nick?

Julie: Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Me and Nick are dating.

F, L, R, A, W: WHAT?!

Julie: I know isn't it amazing. I finally get to be with my forever crush right Nicky-poo?

Nick: That's right, Jellybean.

Luke: Julie, you can't date him.

Julie: Why shouldn't I? Again I don't really know who you are.

Luke: It's me Luke. We were in a band together with Alex and Reggie. We write songs together, we play music together, and we have chemistry like no other. Me and the guys even brought you back into music.

Julie: No you didn't Nick did. He was the one who told me that I shouldn't take no for an answer and how I should go for it.

Now I know Caleb did something to her because those are the exact same words that I told her the day I gave her Bright.

Caleb: I think our guests need a little break from the journey so let's give them a room to stay in, okay?

Nick: Sounds good to me.

Caleb: Security, escort our guests to there rooms and place Ms. Molina's friend to her room.

Luke: I'm not going anywhere without Julie.

Nick: I think you are.

Guards: Let's go kids.


And we were out of Caleb's office.


I am so sorry that I have to write JICK in it, but I have to create some drama for this chapter.

I hope you liked it though and make sure to comment or vote on this story.


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