Chapter 2: Bracelets

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Luke's POV

I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT RICK GUY WILL DO SOMETHING LIKE THIS?! Couldn't he see that he was making Julie uncomfortable. Oh next time when he comes I'm gonna-

Alex: Umm Luke

Reggie: You okay there buddy.

I just realized that I'm in the studio sitting on top of the piano looking mad as ever. I mean can you blame me, Julie was so scared when that happened and she was balling her eyes out.

Luke: Yeah I'm fine

Alex: No you're not, I know that look and we both know that something is about to go down.

Reggie: Alex is right, if you don't tell us then I'm gonna put all of my country songs in your journal.

Luke: Okay, okay, I'll tell you just don't tell Julie I told you this okay.

Reggie and Alex: *nods*

Luke: *sighs* Nick cornered Julie when he was giving her flowers.

Reggie and Alex: WHAT?!?!

Luke: I know, and please don't tell Julie I told you.

Knowing them so well they poofed out to Julie room. She is going to kill me. Again.

I poofed into Julie's room and try to explain what happened but she gave me a death glare *gulp*

Julie: You TOLD THEM?!?!?

Luke: Okay yes I did but I tried to stop them but it was too late.

Alex: Julie, you may not think this is a big deal but we are worried about you. And you know that you can tell us anything.

Reggie: Julie, we love you as a little sister. And nothing is gonna change that, but you have to tell us what happened.

Julie looks at me and I nodded. She decided to tell them the whole story about what happened this morning. Seeing the guys faces from shocked to anger is like they want to kill Nick just as much as I did.

Alex: Wow that's alot to take in.

Reggie: Julie, why didn't tell us during rehearsal we would've understand that you needed a break from all this.

Julie: I know but I didn't tell you guys because I thought you freak out.

Alex: We wouldn't do that and besides we are family not biologically but still you're are apart of this family.

Reggie: And besides, we can protect you when your close with Nick. *gasped* I can show you my karate moves if you want.

Luke: Don't do that.

Alex: Please no

Reggie: Fine *whisper to Julie* I'll showed them to you later.

Julie: *laughs* Thanks guys. I need to go to bed I'll see you guys in the morning.

Luke: Yeah we'll see you in the morning. Goodnight Jules.

Julie: Goodnight guys

Me, Alex, and Reggie poofed into the studio after saying goodnight to Julie but when we got there the guys were giving me weird looks.

Luke: Why are you looking at me that way?

Reggie: Oh nothing maybe because you are totally in love with Julie.

Alex then hit him in the ribs.

Reggie: Ow

Luke: *high octave* Whaaaattttt. I have no idea what you're talking about.

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