Chapter Fourteen

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Thinking fast, Harry pushed Gabrielle and (Y/N) upwards, and he saw them both gasp for air and flail around weakly as (Y/N) helped Gabrielle toward the stands, where Fleur was waiting for her sister.

After Fleur got her sister to safety, Shelena and Ron grabbed (Y/N) and pulled her up, wrapping a towel around her as a figure rose out of the water, and landed on the wooden planks a mere 2 feet away from (Y/N) and Ron. The figure, which turned out to be Harry, sat up quickly, only to find himself coughing and gasping for air as Dumbledore and several others raced toward him, handing him a towel and rushing for more, as the judges huddled together and whispered their opinions of the results.

Seamus took over from the judges, rubbing Harry's arms and yelling for more towels, as Ron helped (Y/N) up so that they could go over to Harry. But, Fleur beat them to it.

She knelt in front of him, eyes filled with gratitude. "You... you saved her, even though she wasn't yours to save. My little sister! Thank you, thank you!" She leaned forward and kissed Harry on both cheeks, to which he flushed a brilliant red. And when Fleur caught sight of (Y/N), standing awkwardly behind Harry and holding onto Ron, she gasped.

"And you, you helped!" She cried, to which she nodded and laughed sheepishly. "Well... yeah. But only a little." Nonetheless, Fleur grabbed (Y/N)'s cheeks and kissed them, leaving (Y/N) a bright red, stuttering mess. "Merci," she whispered, touching her cheek and vowing never to wash it again. Behind her, Ron pouted. "I wanted a kiss from Fleur too! I helped!" (Y/N) stuck her tongue out at Ron, teasing him for his childish behaviour.

"HARRY!" Hermione yelled, grabbing onto his arm and shoving Seamus out of the way. Harry winced but grinned at the sight of his friend. "Oh, you must be freezing," she said as she wrapped another towel around his shaking shoulders. "Personally, I think you behaved admirably."

Harry scoffed at that, shaking his head. "I finished last, Hermione." Without any warning, Hermione grabbed Harry and kissed the top of his head. "Second to last! Fleur never got past "ze Grindylows." she corrected, mimicking Fleur's thick French accent, as the Durmstrang and Hogwarts boys started up chants for Krum and Diggory.

Somewhere over to their left, Dumbledore called for attention. When no one complied, he cast another charm on his voice to make it louder, which caused everyone to cover their ears at the loud noise.

When there was silence at last, Dumbledore called out the winners: Cedric in first place, Harry in second place for 'outstanding moral fibre', Krum in third and Fleur in last place. Ron, Fred, George, (Y/N), Shelena and Hermione all thumped Harry on the back and congratulated him, while at the same time mocking him for his moral fibre, which he rolled his eyes at.

Cornelius Fudge pulled Harry aside from his friends, and Ron told Harry to meet them at Hagrid's. Once separated from the green-eyed boy, Shelena wrapped her arms around (Y/N). "Soooo, (Y/N), how does it feel to be Harry's special someone?" Shelena giggled.

"His what?! Don't be daft, Shelly! Much as I like him, he's just my friend." "Right, (N/N), 'cause Krum is totally just Hermy's friend, and Cho definitely hasn't been dating Cedric for like 4 months."

Both Hermione and (Y/N) flushed at that, as the three girls walked up the hill to the castle, and up to the Gryffindor Common Room. Once in their dorms, Hermione and (Y/N) went to take a shower before going back down with Ron to Hagrid's hut, where they found him drinking some Firewhiskey.

"Good job today, eh, Harry? Reckon you could win this competition." Hagrid smiled, as Harry denied it fervently. "Y'know, I remember when I first met you all." Hagrid said suddenly. "Biggest bunch of misfits I ever set eyes on!" That caused everyone to laugh, as Hagrid continued reminiscing. "Suppose you reminded me of meself a little. And here we all are, four years later!"

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