Chapter Five

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In the end, Krum caught the Snitch and saved some Bulgarian dignity, although the match was won by Ireland by 170-160. That didn't deter the Bulgarian fans, however, most of whom still viewed Krum as some sort of Quidditch god. By the time they'd gotten back to the tent, Harry and Ron had started a "Krum! Krum, Krum, Krum!" chant once again, and Fred and George were doing some awful impression of Irish dancing and songs.

Mr. Weasley, who'd been attending to a fire to keep them warm, didn't even bother to tell them to keep quiet, for he knew it'd be in vain. Everyone watched in amusement as Ron climbed onto the kitchen table the second Mr. Weasley had left the tent, and proclaimed loudly: "There's no one like Krum!" "Krum? Dumb Krum?" Fred asked incredulously, as Ron tried to defend his beloved player. "He's like a bird, the way he rides the wind," he said, which only caused Fred and George to begin flapping their arms around and cawing loudly. "He's more than an athlete," Ron insisted, as George draped his Irish Quidditch team flag over Ron. He pulled the flag off agitatedly, and crumpled it into a ball. "He's an artist!"

The four girls in the tent burst into uncontrollable laughter. "I think you're in love, Ron!" Ginny called, as Fred and George each took one of Ron's arms and led him down the table. "Viktor I love you, Viktor I do~" George sang, and motioned for everyone to sing along. "When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" Ron pounced on Fred, as everyone clapped and whistled while the two play fought. A loud scream from outside the tent caused everyone to stope and stare at the tent flap. "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on," George said cheerily, but Mr. Weasley came running in at that moment, along with Bill, Charlie and Percy, who'd all chosen to stay outside till then. "Stop, stop!" Mr. Weasley said, prying Fred and Ron apart. "Its not the Irish. We've gotta get out of here. Now."

As it turns out, the people 'getting their pride on' were a group of Death Eaters — You-Know-Who's minions. Mr. Weasley left Ginny in Fred and George's care, then rushed off with his three oldest sons to fight against the Death Eaters. They set fire to a bunch of people's tents, and got closer and closer to (Y/N)'s group. She gripped Shelena and Hermione's hands tightly, but they didn't get to Harry in time. Ron had dashed off with Fred, George and Ginny, but all the three girls could do was scream Harry's name over and over as they were pushed in two different directions by the crowd of frightened people.

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A loud scream nearly erupted (Y/N)'s eardrums for the millionth time that night. When she looked around, she saw the Death Eaters mere feet in front of her. She gasped, as Hermione screamed, and Shelena's grip tightened around her friend. The three girls quickened their pace to find Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. Thankfully, they spotted them a couple minutes later. Hermione, (Y/N) and Ron immediately took off to look for Harry when the fighting died down, as Shelena reached Fred, George and Ginny.

The three who'd gone to look for Harry called his name shrilly, getting increasingly worried each time there was no response. After a minute or two, Hermione yelled out for Ron and (Y/N), saying she'd found Harry. The four shared looks of relief, all slightly out of breath and terrified. "Thought we... lost you... mate," Ron panted, patting his best friend's shoulder. (Y/N) awkwardly did the same on Harry's other side, until Harry looked up in amazement. "What's that?" he asked, gasping in pain and clutching his scar. There, in the sky right above the four Gryffindors, was what almost every witch and wizard knew as the Dark Mark, You-Know-Who's sign.

"STUPEFY!" A dozen wizards yelled the incantation as Hermione, Ron, (Y/N) and Harry ducked just in the nick of time, and the spells shot off into the distance. The four gripped each other tightly, too scared to let go and worried more spells would be shot their way. Luckily, Mr. Weasley came running toward them. "Stop!" he yelled. "Those are my children!" he insisted, pushing aside a wizard and crouching down next to the shaking Gryffindors. "Ron, (Y/N), Harry, Hermione, are you all right?"

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