Chapter Four

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So, when Shelena had read about Portkeys, she'd also read about how awful the journey could be. But amidst all the screams, yells and general chaos coming from her travelling companions, she was quite sure the books had under-exaggerated. The journey itself was pretty short, but after bumping shoulders roughly with (Y/N) and Ginny for the entire trip, Shelena wanted out.

I'd just like to add, she got her wish. "Let go!" Amos Diggory said loudly over the chaos of them screaming. At first, no one complied. "What?!" Hermione shrieked loudly. Amos repeated his instruction louder, and this time, everyone did it. With the weight of her bag pulling her down, Shelena cursed gravity and everything about it as it sent her and everyone else tumbling down to the ground. She landed on her stomach with a loud "Oof!", as did many others. However, she was quickly cheered when she saw (Y/N) had landed right next to Harry, but hadn't noticed in her dazed state.

Cedric, Amos and Mr. Weasley, all clearly experienced Portkey users, bicycled in mid-air and landed on the ground gently, taking in the sight with much amusement and worry, on Mr. Weasley's part at least. "I'll be that cleared your sinuses, eh?" Amos asked cheerfully, as he and Mr. Weasley led the group to the campsite they'd be at. Hermione offered Shelena a hand, which she accepted gratefully, and they along with Ginny watched in glee as (Y/N) sat up slowly, then went bright red when she realised who she was right next to, with no space in between them whatsoever.

(Y/N) sat up and ran to Shelena, Hermione and Ginny, all three collapsing over each other in laughter by the time she got there. "I swear to Merlin! I could feel the warmth from his body!" she complained, hiding her face in her hands as she turned back to make sure Harry couldn't hear what she was saying. "Oh, don't complain, sis, you know you liked it," Ginny said slyly, which earned her a slap on the head. "And maybe I did, what's it to you?" (Y/N) muttered, which got her shrieks of excitement from Shelena and Ginny. But their focus on (Y/N) didn't last very long. They had gotten to the top of a short slope, where bunches of tents and flags of the Quidditch players were all proudly displayed. Everyone looked on in awe at the sight, taking it all in. "Well, kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Cup!" Mr. Weasley said.

So the eleven of them fought through the unruly crowds that were the supporters of the Ireland and Bulgarian Quidditch teams. Ginny pointed out tons of her friends and classmates, and even spotted Oliver Wood, who excitedly told his former Quidditch teammates that he'd been signed to Puddlemere United. "Make sure to come watch my games if I ever make it that big!" he shouted after (Y/N) and Harry, who both agreed. (Y/N) had always dreamed of a future in professional Quidditch, as had Ginny. Now that they'd seen Wood make it, they were equally determined to make it onto the professional Quidditch fields one day.

Eventually, the Weasley's, Shelena, Hermione and Harry reached the tent they'd be staying in, and they parted ways with the Diggorys. They then stopped outside a rather small tent, that Shelena felt could only fit one or two people at best, but Mr. Weasley beamed at it. "Home sweet home," he said, then climbed in, followed by Fred and George, then the rest of the Weasley's. When Shelena stepped in, she gaped at the sight — it looked like it would've fit the entirety of Lupin cottage inside, with its own kitchen, bedrooms and even a living room. "Ron, get out of the kitchen, we're all hungry," Mr. Weasley called to Ron, who'd already begun looking for food. Fred and George echoed their father's words, as Mr. Weasley snapped at them to get their feet of the table.

"Feet off the table!" they agreed, until Mr. Weasley had walked off and they promptly put their feet back up. "Amazing..." Shelena whispered, looking around and dumping her bag near the couch. She stood in blissful silence for a couple seconds, until the hooting of an owl brought her out of her daze. The owl was one she didn't recognise, but she took the letter off of its foot anyway. It was very short, and bore no clue as to who had sent it, except for the handwriting. That Shelena recognised as Remus'. All the letter said was Meet me at the edge of the campsite as soon as you can.

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