Chapter 11

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If you where to ask jay why he whole heartedly believes once's someone says something out of "anger" they mean it. It's honestly just something he has noticed. With everyone around him people are saying what  the Truly mean or think about you when they are mad. Anger is the key to the truth just make sure you're ready to hear what is being said anger can cause heart break.

Jay pov
10:45 pm
The deli

I walk in to the deli to see y/n with this guy his arm is around her shoulders and see seams so comfortable. I  got so mad. The thought of her just playing with my emotions hurt me. So I walked over to her

Wow y/n. You been playing with my feelings? I should have known you where a Hoe. Shit you probably would of slept with dd if he asked. You're  disgusting and I can't believe I even trusted you. And with that I walk off

Sorry pookas this took me so long I'm having writers block give me ideas

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