"Mum, What Do You Mean?"

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I made it to Robin's house still in pain and loudly knocked on the door nearly falling over.

After a minute Finney opened the wooden door, 'he must've stayed over' I walked in and grabbed the couch like my life depended on it. "Who was it?" I here Robin yell from the kitchen but Finney doesn't reply instead he runs over to me and grabs my waist helping to keep me up, I felt like crying it hurt so bad. "Ow, don't touch there" I yelled "sorry" he let go of my waist and put his hands on my shoulders, that's when I was reminded of my dad right before he beat the shit outta me but I didn't ask him to more, I physically couldn't.

I see Robin look around the corner before seeing me and running toward us, "shit, man are you ok?" he doesn't touch me probably because he doesn't know where it hurts. "yeah I'm fine" I walk away from them both and go to my room "think I can stay tonight?" I yell, Robin doesn't say anything but he doesn't need to.

I roughly open my bedroom door and limp towards the bed, laying down on my back resting my head on the pillow, I reach into my pocket and pull out the cigarette packet and my lighter, resting one of the smokes in my mouth and chucking the packet next to me. I use my free hand and cover the flame as I light it, once I'm done I use two fingers to hold my cigarette my other hand still holding the lighter as I play with it, flicking it on and off.

Robin and Finney cautiously walk into my room, closing the door behind them.

"What happened?" Robin asks, I take another drag from the cigarette before leaning over flicking it on my drawers before bringing it back. I stare at the smoke rising in my room and breath out the smoke that was trapped in my lungs. I take another long drag while the boys stare at me waiting for an answer.

"My dad got a little carried away, its fine" I shrug finally looking at them, Robin says something in Spanish but I don't understand a word he's saying, I take another drag before pushing my tongue out and running my piecing over my busted lip, feeling a metallic taste enter my mouth, they both stare at me in pity. "I'm fine seriously, it was my fault anyway." Robin flips, "how the fuck was it your fault, your his child he should never lay a finger on you, come on lets go to the station" that scared me, "no don't, I'm not going to another foster home!" I say frantically still laying down because I don't wanna move. "The fuck you mean again? Why didn't you tell us that you've been to a foster home before." I shrug again before taking a drag, "I've been to five foster homes, I don't tell you everything" I breath out the smoke and Robin comes and sits on the bed. Its quiet for a moment, "why'd he do it?" I here him whisper, I take another drag before flicking the end on the drawer again, I exhale. "I mentioned my mum."

there's another moment of silence the only sound being me inhaling and exhaling. "Why didn't you fight back?" Robin asks, I look at him with sadness in my eyes. "He's my dad" I look away tears joining at the corners of my eyes, I turn all my attention back to the cigarette.

Once again there's a knock at the door and I wave Robin off to go see who it is. Finney comes over to me and grabs my face giving me a friendly kiss on the top of my head, where my hair sits before he walks off to go find Robin.

Its later now and I found out that the person at the door was Bruce, he's staying here for the night and only left to go get snacks for the three of them.

I can hear the three of them in the lounge room watching a movie, then I here footsteps come around and a knock at my door. "Come in" I yell even though it hurts like a bitch. Then Bruce walks in my room and as soon as he sees me he quickly closes me door and runs over to me. He sits at the edge of my bed right next to me, "holy shit, what happened?" they must not have told him, "I got in a fight" I say pity running through me, "with who? A brick wall." He reaches his hand over and runs his finger over my bottom lip, the next thing he did gave me butterflies, he brought his thumb up to his mouth licking it before bringing it back to my lip, wiping the dried blood away. The whole time I stare at him.

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