"Um, can I help ya?" Jack blinked out the spots in his eyes and focused on the guy standing in the door way. He looked about Jacks age and had long blonde hair that hung into his murky brown eyes. He was taller than Jack and built like an ox.

"Excuse me sir, my name is Katherine Plumber and I work for the New York Sun. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your recent break in." Katherine said formally making her voice ring with authority. The guy blinked at Katherine a few times before his face split into a grin.

"Of course sweet face, come in." The man said holding the door open. Jack narrowed his eyes at the him and stepped closer to Katherine hopping to send a clear message. He followed her inside not taking his eyes off the guy.

"And who's this?" The guy asked Katherine motioning to Jack.

"Oh this is Jack Kelly he's my... Jack, he's just Jack." Katherine said her eyes falling to her note pad.

"Your Jack?" The guy asked sizing him up. "This couldn't by chance be the same Jack Kelly who started that whole strike business a few mounts ago could it?" He asked closing the door.

"You bet I am." Jack said smoothly stepping closer to Katherine.

"I must say I'm honored, please sit down Katherine Plumber and Jack Kelly." He said Jacks name with a little more force than Jack liked. They sat hesitantly at a old woden table that was perched next to the door. The room wasn't big but it had a bar counter and a dozen stools pushed under them, the place looked old and used.

"So are you Willy then?" Katherine asked siting forward to talk to the guy.

"Nah, that was my father you can call me Will." The guy said leaning back in his chair.

"Does your father own this place?" Katherine asked.

"He did until he died a few years ago, killed down by the docks somewhere the Police weren't sure if it was an accident or not." Will said. Jack saw Katherine shutter at his words.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Were you present when the break in took place?" Katherine asked getting ready to right something down.

"Yea I was just in the back."

"What's in the back?"

"My bed, wanna come see it?" Will asked suggestively. Jack clenched his fists under the table and glared daggers at this guy.

"No thank you. Did they take anything?" Katherine asked. Will sat forward his eyes gleaming at her.

"No, which is strange, why break in if your not going to steel anything?"

"Why break in in the first place? This place sucks." Jack snapped feeling an overwhelming hate for this guy. Will's eyes narrowed at Jack but he didn't say anything.

"Was anything damaged?" Katherine asked shooting an annoyed look at Jack.

"Just the window and... just the window." Willy said and both teens didn't miss the glint of something else in his eyes.

"Would you be willing to show us these windows?" Katherine's asked with out missing a beat.

"Sure thing sweet face, I'm sure the boys won't mind, I'll even let you bring your boyfriend here." Will said motioning to Jack.

"He's not my boyfriend but thank you." Katherine said standing up. Jack didn't like the way Katherine said that and he defiantly didn't like the way Wills face had lit up. They stood up and cautiously followed Will to a door that led into a slightly bigger room. Jack hated the way the floor boards creaked under his feet, he felt like he was going to fall through the floor at any moment. He wished Katherine would at least hold his hand, he was sure that would make him feel better.

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