Chapter 8: Be There for Her

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A few days later... 

'You rejected her offer?' I asked Elijah, as he was leaning against the bedroom door, watching me and Clarice do colouring on the floor of the bedroom. I looked up at him. 'This is the biggest day of your sister Freya's life. She's getting married to her biggest love.' 

'I know.' 

'If you did know, you'd get your ass back out there and apologise and tell Freya that you'll be walking her down the aisle. I spoke with Freya this morning about the wedding, actually.' 

'What did you say?' 

'It was Keelin's idea, actually. For Clarice to be the flower girl. And then they both had the idea that we could share their wedding day with them and get formally re-married.' He frowned slightly, letting a small smile slip. 

'I'm listening.' 

'I propose we take them up on their offer. Freya and Keelin want us to share in their day, and she's your sister. This is one of the happiest moments of her life, and you're still grieving.' I stood and walked to him. 'I understand Hayley's death was hard on you. You cared for her like none other, and I cared for her too. I saw her like a sister, and I regret every day that she didn't get to meet Clarice. I miss her too, Elijah. But we have to be there for Freya. Every day she is by our side, saving our lives constantly. She's there every step of the way and has been ever since we defeated Dahlia and Esther. She cares so much for her family, and now, we need to be there for her, in her happiest hour, not just so she continues to stand with us through our best and our worst, but because we love her.' Elijah's gaze slid over to our daughter, who was happily colouring, oblivious to the conversation. 

At the wedding venue... 

Freya stood alone in a resplendent white dress; Rebekah next to her. 

'I'm sure he would be here if he could,' Rebekah said softly. I came up to her, also in a white dress, and wrapped my arm around Freya, kissing her cheek. 

'He'll be here. I promise.' 

'Thank you for coming, Lilliana,' she said. 

'Wouldn't miss it for the world. I've got a spare dress in my car in case he doesn't show. Just so I don't clash with the two lovely brides.' Both Rebekah and Freya chuckled. 'I'm going to go find someone to chat with while I wait for my husband.' I slipped away, leaving the sisters alone again. 

'Maybe we were expecting too much,' Freya said mournfully. 

'Well, it's time,' Rebekah said, putting the bouquet of flowers into Freya's hands. 'No one deserves this more than you.' She kissed her sister's cheek softly, then turned and left, leaving Freya alone. Suddenly, Klaus sidled up to her, gently taking her arm. 

'If it's not too presumptuous, perhaps I might escort you,' Klaus said. 

'Not if I have anything to say about it,' Elijah remarked, also coming up to stand next to her. 

'You're late,' Klaus replied. 

'Fashionably so.' He came up on his sister's left side, taking her arm. 

'Well, then, looks like you're stuck with both of us,' Klaus said. 

'You ready?' Elijah asked. 

'I am now,' she said, her voice cracking with unshed tears at the joy of the moment. She took both of their arms, and they led her out of the barn and down the aisle. The small orchestra played a sweet tune, and Keelin and I both stood at the end of the aisle, wedding bouquets in our hands. Clarice was ahead of the three, throwing flowers all over the aisle from her little basket, and Elijah both walked up to us, while Klaus split off to stand near Rebekah, with Kol officiating the ceremony. Marcel, Davina, and Hope also were nearby. The music stopped so Kol could speak. 

'Dearly beloved, not to make this all about me, but we know how families work. Sometimes it's dinner, and sometimes it's daggers.' Klaus gave a sheepish look but said nothing. 'Now, I don't know why it takes something as special as this to wake us up, to make us aware of the beauty in the moment, during the moment, and to be grateful for what we have, while we have it. Now I, for one, am grateful for today, and I am grateful for all of you. Keelin, when I first met you, I would never have predicted that you would become my sister. Now, you're strong and beautiful, you deserve nothing but the best in life. Lilliana, you're the best person we could ever ask for to keep our brother Elijah out of trouble. You're brave and you're kind, and now, because of you, I have another favourite niece for Davina and me to spoil.' 

We exchanged the rings and said our vows. 'Now, by the power vested in me, by a Franciscan monk in the 13th century, and by the Internet a few hours ago just to be on the safe side, I now pronounce you - married. You may both kiss the bride.' Elijah and I kissed, as did Freya and Keelin. Raising her hand, Hope said a spell, and all the flowers on the wedding arbour burst into little flying petals, falling all around the two newly wedded couples. 

That evening... 

The happy family danced or stood around chatting with one another as the evening went on for Freya and Keelin's wedding. Elijah leaned against a tree, with a glass of champagne in his hand, while Keelin and Hope danced, as well as Kol and Davina. Rebekah and Marcel were sitting near each other, and the others were scattered around as the music played. I strolled up to Elijah, slipping my hand in his. 

'Guess who,' I said cheerily. He looked at me, and his face broke into a smile. He gave me a chaste kiss. 'Shall we dance?' I asked. 

'Thought you'd never ask,' he replied softly, and then took my hand, moving to the grassy dance floor to dance with Kol, Davina, Keelin and Hope. 

Over at a table, Rebekah and Marcel sat together, watching the happy proceedings from afar. 

'The last time we said goodbye, did you ever think that the next time that we would meet would be at a wedding?' Rebekah asked. 

'No,' he replied after a moment of thought. 'But then it's never really over for us. For any of us.' 

'I sincerely hope not,' she said. 

Elsewhere, Freya and Klaus stood together, also watching the dancing. 

'Thank you,' Freya said, taking two wine glasses from a server. Klaus didn't respond when Freya went to hand the glass to him, so she put them down. 'Oh, boy. What are you going to be like when she goes to prom?' Klaus remained watching. Suddenly, Hope leaned on Keelin's shoulder, the woman catching her with ease. The music immediately stopped as Klaus came close. 

'Is she all right?' he asked with worry in his eyes. 

'I'm fine. I'm fine,' she said, peeling herself off of Keelin. 

'My medical diagnosis is too much champagne,' Keelin joked. 

'Oh, yeah, speaking of, I would like to make a toast,' Hope said, raising a glass. 'This has been the best day ever. And you know what? You guys got a thousand years of moments like this one and being a part of this one really made me feel like I'm part of "always and forever" too. So - cheers.' She raised her glass, and we all drank. But the anxiety over what had just happened was still not quite abated, but it did not put a damper on the festivities of the evening, at least - not on young Hope Mikaelson. 

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