Chapter 1: The Bus Stop

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Seven years before the events of this season... 

The bus slowed to a stop. Elijah took my hand, and we went out of the bus together. Elijah looked around with a certain daze in his eyes. 

'You know where you're going, hon?' the motherly-looking bus driver called out. 

'I - I need... food,' Elijah said softly. 

'Chicken and waffles two miles up the road for you two,' she said, looking at me with sympathy in her eyes. 'Good luck to you.' She closed the bus doors and drove away, the two of us standing at the stop. We both noticed the vending machine at the same time, and Elijah walked over, trying to reach into his suit jacket, but to no avail. His jaw ticked with frustration as he leaned against the glass, then slowly began knocking. His vampire strength easily made the glass give way. He reached in, grabbing one of the chip bags from the machine and tearing it open, eating like an animal, but he froze when he saw the blood coming from his hand. 

'Is there a problem?' someone asked, coming around the corner. The two of us spun to face the man standing there. The man came around to see the hole in the glass, his eyes widening. 

'What is that?' Elijah asked, and I knew he could hear the man's heartbeat as well as I. 

'What is what?' the man asked. 

'That... noise.' 

'Okay... you two look like you could use some help.' The man turned away and put a phone up to his ear, beginning to talk to someone. 'Yeah, I've got a guy who just put his hand through our vending machine. He just punched a hole in it. And he's with a girl, she looks pregnant.' The two of us walked up silently behind the man, feeling the bloodlust get to the both of us. Elijah bit into the man, and he cried out, then skittered away from us, Elijah standing there for a second, tasting the blood. The man ran to his truck, dropping his keys, and we both stalked after him. 'Come on!' he yelled. Placing a bloody handprint on the glass, he suddenly yelped, and was seen no more. 

The man laid dead in the alleyway, stripped of most of his clothes. Elijah sat there, finishing folding his former suit and dress pants almost methodically. Even in a memory-less state he was still neat and organised. He picked up one of his cufflinks, with the letter "E" inscribed on it. 

'Elijah,' I said. 'That's your name.' He looked up at me. 'Remember me? Lilliana, your fiancé.' He stood, coming over to me, and I sniffled as the farm smell overwhelmed me. Then I abruptly sneezed. 'Sorry - I think it might be allergies.' He looked down, touching my stomach softly. 

'Is this our baby?' he asked. 

'Yes. This is our baby.' 

'Lilliana...' he said, almost testing the name. 'Lilliana. Yeah. That's right. Lilliana.' 

'That's right.' 

We got into the truck, sitting there as the radio played with some sort of religious hymn. Elijah reached forward tentatively, his fingers finding the Jesus bobblehead on the dash, and tapped it, making the head wobble. Then, he looked over at me, and I reached over, squeezing his hand. Then he put the truck into gear, and we drove away. 

Several weeks later. Manosque, France.

The door to the apartment opened, and Elijah walked through, carrying what little we owned. I cleared my throat, and he turned around. 

'It's kind of tradition for a husband to carry his wife over the threshold of their new home?' He laughed, turning towards me, and walked back out the door, lifting me up with ease and carrying me through, kicking the door shut. Once we got in, he stood me on my feet, and gently kissed me. 'I haven't seen you smile like this in ages, Elijah,' I said softly, pressing a kiss to his lips again, then his cheek, and then his nose. 'Here, we'll be able to raise our baby.' He got on his knees, tenderly kissing my pregnant stomach, then looking up at me.

'You're going to be the best mother.' 

'You're going to be a great father.' He stood back up and kissed me full on the lips again tenderly. 

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