Chapter 2

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Pulling me from my thoughts, Scurvy begins barking at something ahead and I take off to find out what's caught his attention. He's never barked like this before, only a yap or two when someone new is at the door.

When I find him on the edge of the forest growling at something filthy on the ground I almost laugh and chide Scurvy for finding a torn apart deer. Until I realize what I'm looking at is not a torn-up deer but a human.

I step towards the body but Scurvy growls and puts himself between me and the potential danger.

Muttering words of comfort to Scurvy and pulling him by the collar aside I approach the body. I jump a little in surprise when I see their chest rise and fall every so slightly. 

Of Pebbles and Pine TreesWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt