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Violet had a long ride towards OBX, took her almost two days. With stops for gas and to sleep. She was exhausted and just wanted to see her friends already.
By the time she got to OBX it was passing 10pm a day after she had left California. She drove down the street and pass the Cameron's house which had 'MURDERS' written on it with big red letters. She just knew that this was done by her friends and smiled. What bought a bigger smile though was her house, she got closer and could feel the excitement in every inch of her body. Violet quickly pressed the button on her keys and the big metal gate started to open. She quickly drove her car and parked next to her dad's car with a big smile on her face even before she could get out, the door opened and her dad ran out. Violet sighed out of relief and just ran to her father, she hugged him tight, feeling the relief wash over her. She felt at home, at peace.

"Dad." She said in a whisper and just started crying, Axel wrapped his arm tight around his daughter's body. He felt like he wasn't going to see her anymore and even though it has been almost two months, he felt like he hasn't seen her in years.

"How was your ride?" Violet chuckled as he ruffled her hair.

"It was great. I'm pretty tired." Axel walked her to her car as she opened the trunk, he grabbed her suitcases and Violet closed her trunk, both of them going in.

Violet looked around and smiled, everything looked exactly as she left it. She took a deep breath, and smelled the aroma of home cooked pasta and her dad's cologne.

"Gosh I missed this." The brunette girl giggled and her dad smiled at her.
"Everything's exactly how'd you left it." She nodded her head and smiled once again hugging her father tight.

"Thank you, for doing this for me."

"I didn't do anything dear. Just looking out for you. Let's go eat and I'll be going straight to bed, unfortunately have a long day tomorrow." Axel said and guided his daughter towards the kitchen table.

Violet took a seat and sniffed the spaghetti that stood in front of her. She groaned at how good it smelled.

The two of them started eating and Axel once again put an Adam Sandler movie on the big screen, while the two of them were having dinner. Violet was telling him what her mom had put her through while she was at home, and all Axel knew was that he would never let his ex wife do this again. Not to his baby girl.

"Besides the thing with your mom. How are you?" Violet shrugged her shoulders, she wasn't sure if she was supposed to tell him yet that John B was alive, so for now she wasn't going to say anything about John B to her dad.

"I'm better now. It's been hard you know. Loosing a two friends forever and the ones you have left are 2,300 miles away from you." Axel nodded his head and looked down playing with his fork. He looked strange.

"I've been there you know. Unfortunately more than once. One of those times was with Big John, I'm sure you've heard of him." Violet nodded her head and looked down.

"John B's dad." She whispered and Axel nodded his head. He looked at his plate and started playing with the fork, he was overthinking, she could see it on his face.

"How did you got over it?" Axel looked at her and shook his head.

"I wish that I could tell you that you get over it and how much time it takes, but it has been almost eleven months, and i still think about him everyday, you just get used to the pain." Axel said and took a sip from his glass, he never looked at her while talking about Big John, which made her think that there was something that her dad wasn't telling her. Axel Snow cleared out his throat and stood up, picking up his plate. She watched as he walked over to her and kissed her forehead, then hugged her with an arm wrapped around her waist.

"I'll be heading to bed, love. Will you be going out?" Violet nodded her head with a smile.

"I'm thinking about surprising Kie." He nodded and grabbed her empty plate, walking to the sink.

"Do you have gas, you want to buy any snacks?" Violet nodded.

"I have enough gas to go to Kie." Axel put the plates in the sink and walked to his jacket pulling put his wallet. "Dad I have enough money, don't worry." He shook his head and walked to her giving her his credit card. He trusted her enough and knew that she was a good girl and she wouldn't do anything stupid with it. Violet shook her head and didn't took it.

"It's yours now. It's contactless. Don't be to late and if you are be careful. I love you." Axel said and kissed her forehead, Violet looked confused down at the card in her hands and then followed her dad with her gaze. All that she knew was that she had to protect this card at all cost, she was so grateful that her dad trusted her that much, to even give her a credit card.

"I love you dad. Good night!"

"Good night, love!"

 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒// 𝒋𝒋 𝒎𝒂𝒚𝒃𝒂𝒏𝒌Where stories live. Discover now