{Chapter 19} Someday

Start from the beginning

I immediately started crying again, I was so pathetic, and such a cry baby. Here I was lying underneath my covers in my bed crying my eyes out over something I couldn’t have. Something I shouldn’t have. I then heard the door in the living room knock, I ignored it. Who would be visiting me? I had told them I wouldn’t be back at work till tomorrow and I’m sure I was the last person Fred would want to see. I heard little feet scamper on the floor as they approached the dark gloomy room I was hidden in. “Mommy?” I heard Clary’s sweet angelic voice call out in the room; I was such a horrible mother. “Mommy someone’s at the door…”

“They’ll leave…” I croaked out from under the covers, I didn’t dare look up and meet my four year olds’ stare. It would only make me cry more, she was trying to be strong for both of us, and I knew it was taking a toll on her. She was just as sad Fred would be leaving and she wouldn’t say goodbye, I had told her she could go, but she didn’t want to leave me alone. My little daughter was braver and stronger than I was…. I guess I really am still just a child.

I stayed under my sanctuary when I heard a crack in my room and the covers fly off of me. I still lay there, not even giving a glance to the culprit who took away the warmth from my bodies. “Get your lazy arse off that bed now Marley.” I heard an all too familiar voice exclaim.

“Auntie Cat you’re here!” I heard Clary announce as I started to get up in a sitting position on the bed taking notice of the girl who was in my room. Caitlin Weasley. There she stood, in all her glory. Wearing a cut off yellow sweater, a purple tank top underneath, with black suspender pants, and black and grey high tops, she even wore a beige hat slightly crooked on her head. I gaze at her, tears streaming down my face uncontrollably, how is it that she always looked so beautiful even on a gloomy day like so?

“Yes, I’m here Clary; um do you think you could give your mommy and me some time alone.” Caitlin asked looking down at Clary who nodded with a grin; she gave me a fleeting smile, as I returned it with a grim one as she left out the door, closing it behind her. My gaze then returned back to Caitlin who was staring down at me with such annoyance it looked at if I would die just by looking at her. “What the bloody hell do you think you’re doing?!”

I stared at her, my mouth slightly agape. What did she think I was doing? “Sleeping…” I replied monotonously. She looked at me as if what I said was the most stupid thing she’s ever heard.

“Sleeping?! You’re sleeping!” she yelled as I merely nodded my head.

“Now if you excuse me I think I’ll go back to my bed…” I said quietly as I laid back down on the bed reaching for the covers. She, however, had other plans for me and swung the blankets into a ball and stuck them on the ceiling with a swish of her wand so I wouldn’t be able to reach it again. I stared up at her in a daze, and slightly angered by this. “Why’d you do that?”

“Because you are no longer moping about! You need to get up and go tell Fred to not leave.” She said as I glared at her, this is why she came here? To try to get me to go tell the boy I did not deserve in any way possible to leave?

“If this is why you came here Caitlin, you might as well leave now. I’m not going.” I stated as she glared at me. “I thought I made that clear enough when I stormed out of the apartment that day.”

I'll Remember Someday... Fred Weasley (Final Installment of Marley Series)Where stories live. Discover now