Chapter 2 Tine, you should fight for your love always💖

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Tine's pov:


The name which I tried to forget but..... I failed.....

Suddenly I went to my room,then took a concert poster from my 'secret drawer' . This was the poster of the concert which I met Sarawat, for the first time in my life. He was the main guitarist in that band ,Ctrl+S,and they were playing my favourite song, 'Everything'. I was just joined that College that day , and when I was about to leave, I heard the song, I moved towards the concert which held on the college auditorium.

That day,........ When I saw him,......
I fell in love,..... I fell in love with him.... I can't take off my eyes from him for a few minutes. The concert was about to end and when I tried to approach him directly that day, for knowing more about him,he disappeared... Then I left disappointed . But I'm sure that I can meet him again at college, I heard from someone that he is also studying there and the girls in the college represent him as the "official boyfriend of the campus" . That night I couldn't stop thinking about him and I couldn't sleep too,......

Suddenly my phone rang and I come back from my memories.
It's Fong,my cheater friend!!

"Heyyyy... Tineeeeeee..,..did you miss me ???"

Fong was screaming on other side.
"Hey Fong,how can you, can you call me now......., after cheating me"my voice have a little bit angry that time.

"Tine,bro, you know my parents nah, If I didn't attend today's blind date,they would have kill me, they're too strict, you know nah,then why aren't you understanding me bro??" He said.

He was right. His parents are too strict and sensitive than mine. I told
"Okay, I forgive you for last time Fong,I can understand your situation. But you didn't inform me earlier nah?"

"I was in a hurry, Tine . As my apology, I will treat you a drink, shall we go for a drink now,at our same spot?"

"Ahh, okay,.......... let's go,........... I will be there in......... 30 minutes"

"Why your sound so pale ? Are you tired or something?"

"Nothing... Bro.. I just, I just...  "

"Come there and explain me everything, I'm waiting,ok"

Before my reply,he hangs up. This is his character. He didn't wait for reply in phone calls....

I got changed and take my car keys. Suddenly Type came there.

"Where are you going, Tine? In this night?"

I got a little bit annoyed when he asked that. I said
"Type, I'm going to meet Fong,and you don't have to be so worry about me. I can manage things  my own. You still looking me like I'm a kid, I don't like this , Type"

He was listening my all words and after few seconds he said,"okay". Then he went to his room upstairs.

I was soo curious about his attitude just now. Because he was not like that before,he act like a Sherlock Holmes and ask me everything regarding to it.
I was too surprised now.


I drove to the"same spot" where we all friends gathered together both in our happiness and sorrows. It was nothing but a small restaurant adjoining a bar . I was a daily visitor there when I was in college.

I entered there after a long time. It was still looking same like older one. Nothing changed. Ohh God, I really, really miss my old time.........

Suddenly Fong came "Tine,are you collecting the old memories nah?"

He said true, but I didn't confess that.
"No Fong, I was, I was just looking around , I , I'm just.."

"Don't ran errand Tine" he chuckled.

I got little embraced ,because Fong knows everything . He knows that I came here not only for drinking but to  saw Sarawat, because Sarawat and his friends mostly came here for drinking and celebrating. I watch him secretly from a corner and Fong always make fun of me.

We sat on the same corner seat where we always choose that time. Fong ordered some drinks and was just staring to the empty seat where Sarawat usually seated.

"Tine,are you here?"Fong screams.

"Can you please low your voice, Fong? Everyone is looking us"

"I called you a million times and you are doing the same thing again, staring at that seat where Sarawat sat, but now a difference is he is not there". He began to start laughing.

I got much anger to kill Fong, but the things he said was exactly true. I become too annoyed.

"Tine, I was not making fun of you. I was telling the reality. Are you still have crush on Sarawat?"

That question Fong asked make me think of the present Sarawat, maybe he doesn't know that I exist. And maybe he make progress in relationship with Pam,she was the reason for me to leave that college,to leave from Sarawat........

"Tine, I hate this spacing out. Tell me what are you worrying about?"

"Mom and dad fix my marriage with Pear without my knowledge and they are insisting on this. And she is soon going to be my colleague too". I tell all that in a single breathe.

" Pear??? Who the hell..? Is that the same girl who were disturbing you at college for a date with her, am I right Tine??"

"Yeah, it's true, the same girl. And she is the daughter of my mom's friend, so she got a chance to haunt me again. She also became too close to my parents. So they are insisting".

Fong think for a second. He said," Do you still love Sarawat, you hadn't given any answer"

I sighed." Fong, do you think I could hate him? He is always be there in me ,in my heart."

"Then why didn't you confess your feelings for him, you have started loving him for years, you couldn't live without him. What you want to do, Tine,are you going to let him go from you?"Fong's words was striking hard on my head.

"Fong, he already have a girlfriend, you didn't see that day when Pam posted a photo with Sarawat? She were saying that she is dating Sarawat and he agreed too. I don't want to become a third party."

"Tine,are you a fool or something? She were telling some nonsence and Sarawat didn't declare anything till here. Do you think you again have a chance to confess your feelings for him?

He continued,"Tine, you should fight for your love always"

That words makes sense. That made me a hope on him,he is right, I should go for him or otherwise someone will stole away from me.

"Yeah,.........Fong , let me think about it"

Fong screams," no more thinking,go for him"

He gives me a mischievous smile and I  smiled back. He said," Hey, Tine, I need to go back now, I have work tomorrow. I'm leaving nah,.."

"Me too have to join hospital tomorrow,and ,....."I paused

"And??" He asked

"I'm moving out from home tomorrow. I bought a apartment near hospital"...

To be continued.........    

AN: Heyyyy 👋,did you really love this chapter? I think you will be mad at me because Sarawat didn't came this chapter too. I'm sorry for that but I think Sarawat need a surprise entry in Tine's present life. So maybe Sarawat will come on next chapter. This chapter mainly discuss some past events and the bond between Fong and Tine, actually I like the character of Fong very much 😁, mainly their conversations. I hope you would love this chapter.

I get many good responses from my sweet readers and thank you soooooo much for motivating me to write more. Thank you for loving my story too..

Coming chapters have some surprises,
Any guesses ????😉😉

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