Mind Games

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    I powered off my phone and went to sleep, or tried at least... I felt so guilty, I couldn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't believe that I actually broke into my neighbor's house and stole their cat! But he forced me to...*Phone ringing* all I can think about was who was calling me, but deep down inside I knew exactly who it was.....

   "H-Hello?" I said rather scared of the words to come. *Heavy Breathing* I hung up the phone. This was like something you see out of a horror movie... This was terrifying.... I still feel so guilty about breaking into my neighbor's house, but he threatened me and my whole family I just couldn't believe that he actually showed up to my house... Well I'm just glad my parents didn't see, they would have freaked out...

    At school my teachers have been noticing that I've been acting different, every time the phone rings I jump. And if I'm being honest, it's because every time the phone rings I'm worried that it's for me. But sadly one day this came true.

   It was a normal day and I was sitting in math class when suddenly the phone rang.
I decided that it was time for me to stop being scared of the phone and that it's never going to be for me! So you should have seen the look on my face when my teacher called me over to the phone. In a deep eri voice I heard " do you want to play a game?" I nearly dropped the phone and ran out of the classroom but I just stood there in shock. "He knows where I go to school..." I thought to myself.

     I needed to tell my parents about this, but I couldn't. He said if I ever told anybody then that would be the last thing I ever say... I wasn't going to take that chance so I decided to keep my mouth closed... But later that night I received a message on my phone. I was hoping it would be anyone, literally anyone in the world but him. "Are you ready for a game, Kaylus?" I didn't want to respond but I knew I had to. "No" I text him. " I'm done playing your stupid little game!". I texted.

    "1 million." He messaged me. "1 million what?" I asked. "Dollars, I will pay you $1 million if you complete your next task."
"No way, the task has to be horrible for a million dollars" I texted him. "It's not, all you have to do is meet me" "Meet you? I've already met you. You know when you showed up to my house wearing all black in a hood!"
"That's not quite what I meant, I want you to meet me at DOC headquarters..." "W'What's that?" I asked him.
"-Danger -Options -Consequences" "it's my place of work, meet me there."

     I didn't know how he expected me to get there, or what time but I decided I was going to go there now. I was going to use my Google maps or something. " Something isn't right about this, I kept thinking to myself why would he want me to meet him at his job... And why is he paying me so much to go there... Well, I'm here I guess it's time to find out.

    *I walked into the building that was surrounded by guards* They didn't even blink twice they just let me walk in. There was this weird music playing. It's sounded like it was in reverse... It look like a normal office building except for the weird vibe it gave off. I saw this man just in all black in the hood walking towards me but I could see his face. I didn't know who he was until I heard his voice..."Kaylus, welcome" he said. "Why did you ask me to come here?" "Well hello to you too, I've gathered you here so you can say your last goodbyes to me in person" "What!?" *BANG!* And just like that everything went black...

Midnight MessagesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang