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Beomgyu groaned in annoyance. Soobin was starting to piss him off. The said male was currently being stubborn, refusing to get his needle.

"Please Mr Choi," The nurse quietly asked him, taking note that she shouldn't say anything to further push the brother. She was frozen in place with the needle in her blue gloved hand, unsure to move on.

"Just take the needle with the antibiotics and you'll be discharged sooner." Beomgyu pinched the bridge of his nose. He was younger and sometimes he thinks he's the older and mature one.

"No. You can't make me." Soobin crossed his arms, glaring at both his sibling and nurse, watching closely as she inched closer to Beomgyu.

The nurse set her needle back down on the tray and whispered to Beomgyu, "I'll call in Nurse Choi. He's good at dealing with patients like him." She pointed towards the stubborn bunny before picking up the tray.

"Yeah, good idea." Beomgyu whispered back, pushing her gently out of the room in a hurry.

"What are you two up to?" Soobin quirked a brow, sighing in relief once the nurse had left the room.

"Nothing big, I guess."

"I won't take the fucking needle."

Beomgyu scoffed, "Yeah—nah. You will."

Soobin opened his mouth to complain but all words disappeared because the door slid open and entered a male nurse.

A pretty hot one.

"Oh—Hi! I'm Soobin." His dimples deepened and Beomgyu scoffed at how quick his expression changed.

The nurse sat the metal tray down beside the green hospital bed then looked at his clipboard, "I know." And his voice was beautiful. It was so melodic and charming.

He watched the nurse throw on the tight blue latex gloves on the delicately carved hands of his and rip open the fresh needle package before focusing his attention on his pretty features.

He didn't even notice Beomgyu leave the room to buy a drink.

"So~ You Single?"

The nurse turned to him with a confused look, which, looked so cute to Soobin. He gave a grin when he read the now visible name tag.

Choi. Yeonjun

"What kind of question is that?" Yeonjun furrowed his brow, the needle glinting under the light but Soobin wasn't feeling nervous anymore.

"One that'll determine if I should go after you," Soobin took every note of how his nurse gently held his arm, rubbing a small alcoholic wipe on a spot at his shoulder.

"Ha...very funny." Yeonjun sighed, he was used to his patients flirting with him and Soobin was no different.

Soobin frowned, "I wasn't joking though."

"It'll just sting for a second, like an ant bite so just be a good boy." Yeonjun changed the topic immediately but Soobin nodded at him with wide eyes, already starting to feel uneasy again. Yeonjun noticed and reassured him, softly speaking, "It won't hurt. Trust me."

"I trust quick?" His voice started to tremble, the boldness leaving as quick as it came.

"Okay...I'll give you a countdown."

Soobin nodded, shutting his eyes tightly and gripping the bed sheets underneath him.

"1, 2, 3...Done!"

He shot his eyes opened. He didn't feel anything.

"You're quite good with a needle." Soobin's smile returned, wrinkling at the corner of his eye.

"It's called experience but yeah, I am." Yeonjun gave a smug look, shrugging and Soobin laughed.

"You're cute."

"I-I know that, stop flirting."

"Just making sure you know." Soobin rolled his sleeve back down, eyes still pinned on the nurse. "But you're like really pretty."

Yeonjun scoffed, "Okay, Okay. Maybe the antibiotics are getting to your head. Take a rest now."

"You'll be back, right?" Soobin held Yeonjun's wrist who removed his grip swiftly.

"We'll see." Then he left, the door sliding shut behind him. Soobin watched the small figure of the nurse walk down the hall then turn right, through the small window in his door, before he was out of his view.

"A nurse? Good choice."

Soobin jumped back startled, "When the fuck did you get here?"

"Too busy flirting with the nurse to notice, idiot." Beomgyu rolled his eyes before shuffling comfortably in his seat.

"Shut the fuck up, prick." Soobin threw his leftover apple core to the sitting male.


Published: 30/11/2022

A/n: So...I have covid and it's my first time getting it. I feel like shit and I'm trying to write but it's just so difficult. Please wait patiently as I try and recover.

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