Episode 11

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It was the morning. I noticed that George was mediating again.

"Good morning baby." Owen stated.

"Hey babe." I stated.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me.

"I just miss my brothers." I answered as he started rubbing his hand up and down my back.

"We all miss our families love." He tells me.

"If I don't see my brothers for more then a week they normally call me once a day." I stated.

"Think about it baby. You have made it this far. They are so proud of you for making it so far." He tells me.

"No one's been voted out yet. So of course I've made it to day 11." I stated as he put his arm around me.

"I know baby. But you made it 11 days. That's amazing. Remember Gemma Collins?" He asked me laughing.

"Yeah I remember that." I answered laughing.

"Exactly you could of pulled out on day 3. But you made it to day 11. And we have so many more days to go." He tells me. We sit like we are for a few more minutes.

"Let's go down. I know breakfast will be done soon." I tell him as we stand up. We walked down to where everyone was.

"You alright Mads?" Sue asked when me and Owen got down to everyone one.

"Yeah just had a bit of an emotional morning." I answered as she hugged me.

"That's expected baby." She tells me.

"I know. I just didn't think it would be this bad." I tell her.

"I know. But it'll get better." Sue tells me. Baba and Owen went to take a shower as me and Sue sat together. I watch Mike crack Seann's back.

"Is that even good for you?" I asked them.

"Yeah it is." Mike answered.

"You a should try it Maddie." Seann tells me.

"No thinks I like to keep my bones looking amazing." I answered.

"Can Charlene definitely not sleep in the RV? In a hammock, it's guaranteed, pretty much, no sleep. Swap tonight if you want." Owen tells Seann.

"We'll take it in turns, having no sleep." I tell him.

"Bless you two. I really appreciate that." Seann says.

"No point one of us not sleeping." Owen says.

"I'm only saying yes to you two because your both 23." Seann says.

"I'm 24 actually." I tell him laughing.

"Alright sorry. (Laughs). 23 and 24. And I know Maddie will sleep wherever Owen is." Seann says.

"Yeah exactly." Owen butts in.

"Your age has come to haunt you! I'll be alright thank you." Seann says.

Seann: I love Owen and Maddie. I don't love Maddie the way I thought I did last year. But she is so kind. I thought Maddie would have been sour with me because of our brake up. They are so sweet. Owens coming to help Uncle Seann. And Maddie just supports Owens family.

I was sat next cuddled up to Mike. He was rubbing his arm up and down my back as he knows I've had a bad morning.

"Our leader?" Mike asked Matt.

"Yes?" Matt asked.

"You need to have a word with your deputy. She needs to go back into the RV to let Seann go on the thing." Mike said.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 09 ⏰

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