10. The Satan Pit Pt.1

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"Open fire!" Jefferson had waited all he could, he was giving whatever it was a chance and the Ood a chance. But they were out of time. He and the other guard opened fire at the small amount of Ood coming for them, all of them falling to the floor, lifeless.

"We're stabilising." Zach was still there, keeping them all up to date with what was happening. "We've got orbit."

With all of the Ood down and no longer a threat, Rose wasted no time in running around Sky and Jefferson, going back to the intercom. "Doctor? Doctor, can you hear me?" There was no response. "Doctor, Ida, are you there?" Sky would have been worried, God knows what was happening down there. But she could still feel him there...an almost silent buzz compared to how it had been moment ago.

"Open door 25." The four of them spun around and backed away from the door, Jefferson and the guard arming themselves once more and preparing to shoot.

"It's me!" Danny shouted out, holding up his arms in surrender. "But they're coming." As soon as he was through the door he slammed it behind him and locked it.

'Lelia?' The sudden hum in her head made her jump but she couldn't hold back a small smile even if it was sad.

'Yeah? I'm here.' She answered him, he felt sad...she could hear it even in the way he paused, the feel of his mind drifting in and out like waves on a shoreline.

'What was that? Are you alright.'

'Yes. Yes of course.' Her chest felt hollow and she began nodding her head to herself just to make herself believe it. 'How are things going down there?' She choose to direct the conversation away from her feeling and back to the situation at hand.

'Ohh, you know...big trap door opening with nothing inside' The Doctor answered, with his voice she could easily picture him. 'You keep safe'

'I will...Rose as well, I'll make sure she's safe.' Sky promised as she glanced at the young girl stood by the comm, desperately trying to reach out to the Doctor. She felt bad, being able to know he was safe so easily.

'I won't be long' That was all he said before the voice faded back to a hum.

"It's the Ood. They've gone mad." Sky heard Danny say as she tuned back into what the humans were saying.

"How many of them?" Jefferson asked.

"All of them! All fifty!"

"Danny, out of the way." Jefferson said, going to the door. "Out of the way!" He defended when the younger boy refused to move.

"But they're armed! It's the interface device. I don't know how, but they're using it as a weapon." Jefferson ignored Danny and the door was unlocked and opened, but the Ood were there already.

Before anything could even be done to stop it, the lead Ood lifted and held the globe to the female guards head. The scream she let out was shrill and long, calling out for aid until her body collapsed on the floor, dead. Just like that, gone.

"Lock down." Zach spoke through the tannoy as bullets started to be fired by Jefferson, knocking down Oods quicker than Sky could count.

"Lock down. Door 1." The computer started counting as it locked down all the doors on the base, sealing them so they were as secure as possible.

"Jefferson, what's happening there?" The Captain asked sounding rushed off his feet.

"I've got very little ammunition, sir. How about you?" Jefferson replied as he checked over his gun.

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