Chapter 18: The Black Sword

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He snorts, shaking his head. “Well played, little mortal.”

Later, they find themselves in the kitchen, attempting to make dinner. Destruction is peeling the skin off chicken pieces, clearly out of his depth. “Did you and my brother…” He waggles his eyebrows. “You know…?”

Ravenna rolls her eyes, slicing vegetables with far more skill than he manages with the chicken. “We’re not discussing my sex life, Olethros. How about we talk about you?”

He pouts exaggeratedly. “What about me?”

“Tell me, how did you go from the Prodigal to… whatever you are now?” She inquires.

He shrugs, his grin a little sadder than before. “I am not fond of my job. I rather abandon it than watch mortals destroying each other. I did not want to be responsible for such massive devastation. I believe it was a mere matter of conscience. I prefers to think myself as a warrior poet and try my hand at creating various forms of art.” Destruction explains with a deep sigh following as his companion listens to him, remembering all the form of arts scattering around Destruction's art gallery, none of which are very good. “As you can see, things that I am involved with never work out properly. Unlike Dream who got the best as he is mother's golden child while Death is father's favourite.”

She pauses, watching him. “And your realm?”

He snorts. “A wasteland, naturally. A great, endless desert, forever swirling in a sandstorm. Not exactly a vacation spot.”

She chuckles softly. “And yet here you are. Back with your family.”

He nods. “I missed them. Even Morpheus, the insufferable git.” Then his grin grows wider. “Speaking of family, I hear there’s a wedding in the works?”

Her smile falters. “Is it really necessary? Marrying him this soon, I mean?”

Destruction’s face grows more serious. “You know the forbidden rules, Ravenna. An Endless cannot involve romantically with a mortal. Dream has no choice, unless he is willing to put your life in risk again. The risk of your downfall. The trial period ends on the day of the family dinner and he will have to ask your hand in marriage. It's either you accept his proposal and be his consort or break every romantic link you have with him and resume your life like none of this ever happened. The choice is in your hands, of course.” 

She sighs, looking away. “Maybe I should say no.”

His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “What makes you say that?”

“Morpheus acts like everything’s fine, but I know it’s not. There’s a weight he carries, something heavy. I can see the way he dose off. Something is bothering him.” 

Destruction opens a cupboard, fishing out a champagne bottle. “And you assume that it is about you?”

“Isn't it obvious?” Ravenna asks, checking the now cooking Casserole in the pan. “I think it is not fair for him. He watched me die over and over again and went through all of that suffering for me for years. And I keep dragging him down. I feel like it's the other way round. The downfall part.”

Destruction pours the champagne, handing her a glass. “My brother… he always fights for what his heart desires the most, which is you. He will steal the sky and empty the seas if it meant making you smile. You are what he wants. Don’t doubt that.”

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