request! + bonus

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How the calamity trio would act if you were getting hit on by a person that is not them :)

Marcy would be the observant type.
She'd stay by your side the whole time and hold your hand and make obvious hints to the person that you guys are together so that they'd leave you alone :)

Sasha wouldn't be afraid to be straight up.
She would just snatch you away from the awkward conversation and flip that person off while you're not looking, she likes to piss people off whenever they make you uncomfortable.

Either that or she'd just straight up tell them to back off or else there will be some ass-beating involved.

Anne would be just calm and collected :)
She knows you very well and can find out easily whether you're uncomfortable or not. And when she does so, she'll approach and talk to the person composedly while holding your hand for reassurance.

— Do they get jealous? —

Marcy rarely gets jealous, she's often very laidback and can handle any situation that includes jealousy.

But when she does so, Marcy will get jealous if you often pay more attention to another person rather than her or if you show more interest in what they do. (don't be like this guys)

She would keep her feelings in because she feels like a burden and doesn't want to bother you. You would often notice some differences in the way she acts when she's upset or jealous. But you guys
talk things out. <3

Sasha gets jealous easily but doesn't say a word about it. She feels like she has no right to BE jealous ever since of how she acted in amphibia, she never thought of herself as highly as she used to.

She tries to act like things are normal but you'd notice a slight tint of jealousy whenever someone is being too "touchy" or being too close that she feels so distant, so you'd constantly reassure her that it's okay to feel that way. You'd even plan something special every day, every night, or just whenever you notice she was upset about something.

But when you feel upset, she'd cancel all of her plans and focus on you for the day.

Anne only gets jealous sometimes, she's always straightforward so she won't hesitate to tell you what she's feeling. (unless you're upset or already having a bad day) she wouldn't want to add up to your problems. But you guys work things out in the end.

Whenever she's upset, you would notice that she often tries to find a distraction like overworking herself. And you'd have to try and convince her to relax, even just for 5 seconds and you'd
do the chores instead.

Once all of that is done, you would hold her close and reassure her that she's amazing and
that you love her, a lot.

GOSH. THIS WAS VERY RUSHED, I still don't know if I did this request right😭🙏 I hope that this is what they meant.

P.S I would try tagging them but for some reason, Wattpad won't let me.

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