22) Beta Geminorium - To overcome the bad

Start from the beginning

As they say, a benefactor is a representative of God. To Rewa, the woman seemed like God's gift to her. Taking pity on the blind girl, the woman decided to help.

"First, we must go to Kolkata."

"Oh, you think I might find my past there?"

"I don't know child. Even if you don't find your past, at least the city is big enough for you to hide for the time being."


Meanwhile, chaos descended in Rewa's village the next morning. Her so called parents checked each and every house in the village. No one had an inkling about Rewa's escapade. More than shock, it staggered them. How was it possible for a blind girl to escape so easily? Who could have helped her? The finger of suspicion pointed at everyone. The helpful neighbours, the temple committee members, and the villagers started doubting one another. Like Rewa who had bolted in fear, the villagers' trust in each other took flight. No one was sure about the person they wanted to believe. Various stories made rounds in the village. Rewa's parents were furious. They had become a laughingstock in the small temple village. How would they avenge this insult? They did this by combing every small shack, every house in the village, and the neighbouring ones. The Panchayat head of the group of villages received complaints about the group of men and women raiding every house in their dominion. They escalated the complaints to the law enforcement agency. Soon Rewa's parents and their accomplices were caught and questioned.

Nonetheless, Rewa had already travelled far beyond their reach. With the help of the old woman, Rewa reached Kolkata. The woman rented a room in a lodge. That night when Rewa was sitting on the bed, the old woman asked,

"Beta, tell me the truth. You didn't know that they were training you to perform in the festival so that they could sacrifice you?"

"No, I never had any iota of suspicion. I did whatever I could to please my parents, thinking that they wanted the best for me."

"You didn't know that they were trafficking girls?"

"No, I had no idea. I don't remember much of my past. I grew up in that house and I believed whatever they told me."

"Rewa, are you sure they are not your parents?"

"Yes, I heard them say it."

"Ok, let us find out what is tattooed on your hand."


Rumi's schedule was hectic after returning to Mumbai. There were some scenes that had to be re-shot in the studio and there was editing, dubbing, and shooting for promos. Rumi did not get much chance to interact with Yohan. But she did read in entertainment columns about his new film and their speculations on his caliber as a director and producer. Whether his work would match the excellence and quality of his family banner. Rumi prayed that for Yohan's sake, the film should turn out to be good.

In the sprawling bungalow, Yohan sat on the balcony that faced the sea and watched the discussion on his tab. There was his ex-girlfriend Nina, his best friend Dheer, and a motley of young hotshot faces who had a huge following on social media. It didn't matter if they had made an impact on the public. What mattered was that they managed to remain in the news by making their opinions public.

At present, they were discussing the consequences of embracing a relatively new face like Rumi in a film that was associated with a successful banner.

"I think a film like that needs a powerful and well-known face to make it work. Since it is Yohan's first film as director, he should have taken someone who had a powerful personality. I don't think Rumi was the right choice," Nina was bragging while Yohan's friend Amar who had not forgotten his first meeting with Rumi agreed.

"Yes, I do agree with Nina. I hope that for my friend's sake, the film will recover its cost. One should follow a trend. This film, which is called what?...." At another member's prod, he continued, "Oh yes, the gypsy's blood. I mean when we have super hits based on superheroes, how will a gypsy's story find its way to the audience?"

The smirk on his friend's face urged Yohan to smash Amar's chubby and smug attitude. He hoped that for Rumi's sake the film should work. At least she will be able to make an entry as a lead into mainstream films. One more month and the public's verdict would make or break his efforts. However, his instincts told him that his grandmother would not let his endeavor go waste.


The man who read the tattooed writing on her hand said, "It is the name of a village on the other side of the river."

"Other side of the river?"

"Yes, the village is across the border."

"Oh, you mean Bangladesh?"

"Yes, there is a village there where they tattoo the names of children on their arms. I have seen many children with similar tattoos."

Rewa's sharp intake of breath indicated her excitement. She was going to find her roots finally.


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