chapter 7( sixth birthday disaster)

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Rosabella pov

I was so happy I got to see mason again I had been on the phone with him over the time hes been gone and today I get to see him again I ran down stairs and open my presents I got a kitchen and Disney dolls a tea set and teddys we heard a knock on th door I ran and send it and it was harper and mike " harper mike" I said hugging them " hey" they said " hey harper I think we should teach you football" I said " no" she said and me and mike dragged her out side "okay just aim for the goal" mike said she looked at him weird " I dont like football' she said " just do this harp' I said and booted the ball in the gaol "wow" mike said and his mouth opens "close you mouth you gonna get a fly in it" harp said I laughed

1 hour later

harper and mike left and I just wanted mason to show up already but then mum came in " hunny mason cant make it" she said " what no your lying he promised' I said " sorry hunny come here" she said I moved away from her hug attempt " no I just want my Mase" I said crying and running to room I cried my self to sleep

mason pov

I was so busy with traning I had to tell mum I couldn't make it but I was at home at about 9 with dec when I got a call

(M:MASON mu:mum)

m:hey mum what's up

mu: its your sister

m: what wrong is she okay is she hurt

mu:no nothing like that she just very upset and locked herself in her room

m: what let me try try calling her

mu:no she asleep your dad banged to pick the lock she cried her self to sleep we think

m: am coming down there tomorrow love you mum


"what's wrong" dec asked " rosa she was hart broken I wasn't there and she cried her self to sleep" I said " so your going there Tomorrow" he said "yeah wanna come" I said " yes I want to come I miss the stinker" he said

the next day

Rosabella pov 

I laid in bed crying which my tears had stained my pillow but I didnt car I heard knock " go away"I said " it's mason can you please open the door" he said I got up and unlocked it and then got back in bd and curled in my blanket " hey look at me" he said I rolled over and before he could say a word I flung my self on him " I missed you mase I said " I missed you to rosa" he said and he picked me up and carried me down stairs and laid me his lap as the sat down " how" mum said " she listens to me and she missed her big brother" he said and sat me in the middle of him and dec " now here is your present" he said giving me a thin rapped something "what is it" I said " open it and find  out' he said I did and saw 

I laid in bed crying which my tears had stained my pillow but I didnt car I heard knock " go away"I said " it's mason can you please open the door" he said I got up and unlocked it and then got back in bd and curled in my blanket " hey look at me"...

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"I love it" I said and turned it over and saw r.mount on it with the number 19 " dec wanna see my room" I said jumping off the sofa " sure ro" he said and followed me up stairs we went in " I remember when this had football poster all over you hated it you ripped 2 down when you were 3" he said I laughed 

mason pov 

as rosa and dec went up stairs mum looked at me " what" I said "mason me and your dad are getting old and we cant keep doing this" mum said " what are you getting at" I said " we want you to take Rosabelle with you obviously not today once you have every thing ready but even at school she keeps getting ask is mason mount your brother" mum said I shared a flat with dec near central London " I mean we have a spar room yea okay" I said I knew my parents where old and couldn't  handel rosa as well as I could then Rosabella and Declan came down " rosa hunny we have somthing to tell you" mum said rosa came over to me and climbed on to the sofa and sat next to me " what's up" she said "your going to go and live with mason and Declan"mum said " wait really" Rosabella said in the most happiest voice I've ever heard " yes" mum said rosa started jumping up and down on the sofa I started laughing 

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