chapter 3 ( jealous can be an evil thing)

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Cassidy pov 

its been 2  week since the brat was born Cris had taken junior out for the day and I was left with the stupid baby she stealing there attention his attention from me and I want it back so I have a I had got her a passport and I was going to take her to the uk  and just leave her there so I booked us both tickets I shoved dummy in my pocket  and took the keys to Cris rang rover and carried her to the car I laid her in her car seat and spead off once we got to the airport I went throw security and went on the plane 

2 house and 15 minute 

I got off the plane holding Rosabella  and I got a cab to Portsmouth  one I got therein was dark  I laid play park and ran anyway and called a cab from a cafe back to the air for and waited for my flight back and I as I sat down on the plane  i realised  he going to notice she not with me and not in the house Rosabella is his little princesa  he would kill for that child and I then realised he's going to kill me 

mason mount pov 

I was walking with Declan down the road since he was having a sleep over and my mum said we could go the the shop it was dark and we heard a baby crying from the play park but we didn't see ay adults so we walked  to the play park and saw a baby that lips were purple since it was winter and winter in the enaglnd is not kind and to make it worse for the poor baby she only had dress on " we cant leave her out here dec" I said " what do wanna do" he said "take her back to my house maybe by mum and dad will know what to do but we cant leave her she'll die from the cold" I said dec nodded and he took his puffy jacket off and gave it to me and I rapped the baby girl in it then I picked her up she stopped crying and when I touched her head a part of it felt really soft like a new born " dec she a new born"I said looking at him  " we need to hurry then" he said and we ran to my house very careful of the very cold newborn we open the door " MUM MUM" I yelled she walked thrown out from the kitchen and saw me holding the new born baby in Declans coat " why do you have baby mason" she said " we were going to the shop when we head her crying and there was no adults so we went toward it and she ws laying on the play park freezing mum she a new born she would have died her lips are purple" I said and I was cut off by the baby crying dad walked in and saw the baby " why use he have a baby" dad said he found her freezing to death but that not the point  mason Declan  I need you to try and find a very warm blanket and rap her in it Tony call 999" mum said walking in the kitchen me and Declan ran up stairs to my room and found a blanket that wasn't the deva and rapped her in it her lips slowly stoped going purple and we went down stairs  and there was medics they took the baby and mum went with them with one of my old bottles I gusse filled with warm milk " come on boys we're gonna have to go meet them there" dad said and we got in the car and drove 20 minutes to the Hospital and met up with mum and the baby " is she okay" I said " she fine mason and her name is Rosabella she had necklace on saying her name  and they have no data on her so I offererd to adopt her" mum said "wait so dose that mean I have baby sister" I said " yes mason you have baby sister" mum said "yesss" I said Declan laughed and mum rolled her eyes 

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