Chapter 6

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We all sat around the fire listening to Clyde tell the Creed story

I sat on the ground in between Jeff's legs leaning on him with his arms wrapped on me, Sarah and Drew in the same position as us

"Yeah That old Louis was a sick puppy digging up little Gage magits pouring out of the little kids eyes; Aly Creed was the only one to live and one night SHE FREAKS OUT hacks up the grand parents with a axe police found her licking the brains off the blade; though her in a psycho word all she could say was pet cemetery, hears the best part two nights ago she escaped. I hope she doesn't show here we would recognize her, unless she was waring a costume she could be one of us" Clyde tells us

"OH MY GOD" Clyde says trying to scare us before he squints looking deeper into the cemetery, when he sees Gus walking towards us

"Aw shit it's Drew and Y/n dad"Clyde tells us making us look and see he was right 

"He's gonna kick my ass" Drew says getting of the floor well all the other kids were running away trying no to get caught

"You kids better not be drinking" Gus says "Drew,Y/n get your asses out of here"

Y/, Jeff and Drew immediately grabbed their bikes  hoping to leave before Gus could catch them

Before they could get far Clyde comes up next to Drew and shoves him to the ground

"Thanks gor skewing up our Halloween dump shit" Clyde tells Drew before turning his attention to Jeff

"And you don't you think I forgot about that kiss" he says pointing at Jeff "I'll make you regret it" he says before running off

Y/n pov

Before I could say anything to Clyde I saw  Gus grab my brother before he could run away grabbing my wrist as well

"You get out of here Jeff Mathews, this is between me and my kids and well your at it stay the fuck away from Y/n I don't need her to get any slutier then she already is" Gus says to Jeff making both Jeff and Drew mad at his little comment towards me

Drew punches Gus, making Gus throw him towards the ground making me angry

"Keep you hands off him you piece of shit" I say trying to get out of Gus grip when I felt a searing sting on my cheek causing me to fall next to Drew who moves closer to me to check if I was ok Jeff doing the same

"I warned you too many times about that mouth of yours" Gus says walking over towards a grave picking up a cross walking and walking back over two us

"I warned you too,you broke the law now you got to learn a lesson" Gus says lifting the cross in the air making both boys move in front of me to protect me form what about to happen

We all snap out of out fear when we start to here growling making us snap are heads towards the noise seeing Zowie

"Zowie!" Drew shouts making Zowie lunge at Gus tackling him to the ground

"No Zowie stop!"Drew shouts if fear trying to get the dog off of Gus

"Call your dog....Drew call him off.....Drew!!" Gus shouts before Zowie bites into Gus's neck killing him immediately

Zowie turns towards us growling getting ready to lunge at us before he is talked by Shadow both dogs fight before Shadow gets a advantage pinning Zowie down and bitting his neck making him whimper in pain before getting loose and running away into the woods

Shadow walks over to me wrapped in Jeff's embrace making sure I'm ok

"Is he dead" Jeff asked the question we were all fearing

"Oh man you guys we killed him" Drew says fear in his voice

"Are you sure" Jeff says bending down to Gus's body checking his polce when he feels nothing he breathes heavily scared

"What are we gonna do"I says scared

"We can bring him back......we can; can't worked on Zowie" Jeff says making us nod

After a long walk of struggling to get Gus to the cemetery we finally were able to bury him

Walking back over to are bikes to go are separate ways I stop before fallowing Drew

"Jeff" I say making him stop and look at me

"Is it ok if I can stay with you....I just don't want to be alone right now"I ask looking down blushing

"Y Yeah it's ok, my dad gonna stay late a his office so he want care" he tells me making me nod

"Drew I'm gonna stay with Jeff tonight, do you think you can cover for me" I tell my brother making him nod before leaving on his bike

When we finally get back to Jeff's he leads me to his room Shadow falling close behind   when we get in his room he walks over to his dresser pulling out a shirt and sweats

"Here you can use my shower to clean up" he says handing me his cloths and points towards the bathroom

"Thanks" I say taking the clothe and walking towards the bathroom to shower after 15 minutes I get out and walk over to the bed as Jeff goes in to shower

Well I wait for Jeff to get out I lay on his bed immediately surrounded his sent making me relax and close my eyes until I feels something nudging my head

I open my eyes to see Tiger making me smile and pull the little kitten close making her start to purr

She starts to play with the a few strands of my hair making me smile at her playfulness

Until I feel the bed sinking in making me turn and see Jeff smiling at me and Tiger

"She really likes you" he say petting Tiger making her purr and jump on my chest to getting closer to Jeff

I look up at Jeff as he sit next to me leaning over to play with Tiger who is now laying on my chest, as I'm looking at him I notice just how hot he is with messy wet hair

As I get los in though Jeff notice how quite I'm being making him turn and see I'm just staring at him causing a smirk to spread on his face

"Like what you see" Jeff says snapping me out of my thoughts

"I do actually" I say with a smirk making Jeff smirk before leaning down and kissing me but before the kiss could get heated we here a low growling making us pull away and see a sulking Shadow

"I think he's jealous" I say giggling making Jeff giggle to and pat the bed

"Come on up here boy" Jeff says making Shadow jump up on the bed and lay next to us

When Tiger sees Shadow she jumps off of me and and walks over to him nuzzling his head before laying next to him and going to sleep

Me and Jeff both chuckle at are pets, we both yan realizing how tired we are Jeff pulls my back into his chest before we both drift off to sleep


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