Chapter 4

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Y/n pov

Me and Drew sat at the church not knowing what to do we didn't want to go home but we knew we needed to bury Zowie

When I looked up I saw Jeff riding his bike towards us making me and Drew stand up and start to walk towards him

"Hey I was just coming to your house" Jeff tells us "where your bikes?" Jeff asked us

"Zowie's dead...I have to bury him....we didn't want to go alone" Drew tells Jeff

"Alright I'll go get a shovel" Jeff says before getting of his bike and walking over to me "here it's cold out, this should keep you warm" he says anding me his jacket before leaving

All I could do was blush as I put the jacket on before noticing that Drew had a teasing smile on his face

"Say one word about this I will kick your ass" I say before leaving

Time skip

We are walking around in the cemetery trying to find a place to bury Zowie

"So where do you want to bury him?" Jeff asked

"I'm not gonna buy him here...there a better place it's back there somewhere though baug" Drew says making me worry but follow Drew anyways

Once we get to the other side i start to fell weird not wanting to do this any more

Jeff Pov

Once we get over the log wall I notice Y/n looks uncomfortable so i warp my around her waist pulling her close as we walk

I can't help but blush at how close she is but  don't do anything about it knowing this is not a good time

"It's supposed to be up there"I hear Drew say snapping me out of my thoughts

"What is?" I ask

"A old Indian bural ground" Drew says

"Drew come on that's an old bullshit story you said so yourself" I tell him

"But what if it's not bullshit, If I bury Zowie up there and it work he'll come back alive" He says calmly freaking me out

"Drew look I know your dog died but yor freaking me out" I tell raising my voice startling Y/n making her flinch causing me to hold her tighter

"If there in one chance in a million it works wouldn't you want to try"he asked me

I jus stare at him knowing he was right so instead of saying anything I just keep walking pulling Y/n with me

Time skip

We finally find the bural ground

Y/n pulls away and walks over to a pile of rocks and sits down

"Come on lets gets this over with ok"I tell Drew

"If this doesn't work you cant tell anyone about this you gotta promise" he tells me making me nod

"Do you need any help?" I ask

"You have to bury your own; it's the way the idains did it it's like a rule are something" he tells me so I hand him the shovel

I walk over to where Y/n was sitting

Siting down next to her I wrap my arms around her as she leans into me

"Thank you for everything you've done today for us"she says kissing me on the check making me blush as she lays back onto my chest as we watch her brother

After my brother got done burying Zowie he came over and sat with me and Jeff

"I've never had someone die before, but guess you go over it....eventually" Drew says

"No, you never get over it"I says quietly

We just sat there staring at the graves thinking about the people we lost, when the  wind blows showing how cold it is

"Come on lets get back" I say to the siblings

"So long Zowie" I hear Drew say before following

When we finally get back to the rode I grab my bike to go back home

"Wait" I hear Y/n call out to me

"Your jacket" she says taking off my jacket to give back

"Keep it" I tell her "It looks better on you" I say making her blushing and me smirk

"I'll see guys tomorrow" I tell them riding home

Y/n pov

Me and Drew were walking till we heard a car pulling up and saw it was Gus so we stop walking when the car pulls over and make are way towards the window

"Get in...your mom was worried sick about you both you take off in the middle of the night, you don't how u for school what are you both trying to prove" Gus says

"I'm not trying t prove anything, I was burying my dog" Drew says

"Life is full of lessons no ones above them not you are I know get in the car"Gus tells us

Me and Drew get home and wash up before going to bed

I wake up at the sound of mom and Gus telling Drew to open his door

I open the door to see what was going on when I see Zowie but something was wrong  with him

I completely zoned out staring at Zowie in horror until I snap out of my thoughts when I hear Shadow glowing

"Down boy" I tell

When I look back at Zowie I see Gus dragging him out

"Sweety I'm gonna call the vet" mom tells Drew 

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