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During a mission, Soap, Gaz and Price had been most surprised by her nonchalance when she'd spoken back to Ghost.

It had been so calm, not even with much thought put into it, as though she were joking with a friend.

Mid mission her hair had loosened from its ponytail and so she scooped it up at the nape of her neck and quickly worked her fingers over the strands to tie it back in a long braid.

Ghost had noticed her across the street as she crouched with the hairband between her teeth.

"Spider, focus. Don't think nows really the time for that."

She had offered back so quickly, "Want me to teach you?" That the others had to hold back their chokes of amusement, sharing wide eyed looks to eachother.

His response had been immediate. "I'd rather eat broken glass."

She had grinned and carried on to take down two men approaching her hiding place, silencing them quickly with knives to the back of the knees and then jabbed into the throat.

She had eyed one of the dead bodies and noted some hair poking out beneath his helmet and goggles. "You sure you don't want a lesson?" She asked lightly. "It's a very valuable skill."

She could hear Price chuckling under his breath over the comms.

"Spider, focus."

"Oh I'm very focussed," she had shot back slyly. "I've even got someone down here for you to practice on."

She could practically feel his eye roll over the comms as she twisted her knife in her hand, waiting for the next signal to push forwards.

When he told her to shut her gob and be quiet she had just grinned.

Simon 'Ghost' Riley - The Spiders WebWhere stories live. Discover now