Twenty Two | Friendly Get Together

Start from the beginning

"He's not a fan of yours," I said, taking a long sip, clearing my throat from the scorching sensation down my throat. "He's not a fan of my father," he smirked, taking a long sip as well and mimicked my expression. "What are you doing here, anyway?" I asked.

"Nothing special. Thought it'd be better going out for a drink with a friend than to stand around in the castle all day. Staying with Crabbe and Goyle can really drive me crazy."

"Dunderheads..." I breathed out.

"Something Snape would say... You're around the bloke a lot."

"It's called detention..."

"Can't have enough of it, can you?" I shot a glare at Draco and he snorted. "I'm only teasing you."

"Hmph..." I took another sip and said, "So, how's the mission going?"

He looked up at me and scowled. "Nothing's going on, I'm not doing anything."

"Draco..." I started, but was solely interrupted.

"Miss Wilson." I heard that velvety dark voice behind me and of course, I jumped in surprise. "Christ sake!" I blurted out, "Do you sneak up on everyone? Or just me?"

"Drinking so early, now? My, and another date. How interesting you play your life, Miss Wilson." Snape said coolly, glancing at Draco who rolled his eyes. "I'm not on a date!" I said, "Can't I for once hang out with the opposite sex or will I forever be judged by you?"

"Well, I am just here to inform you that your next lesson will be tomorrow night, at eight o'clock in the Potions dungeons." He gave me one last look until he laid his hands in his pockets. "How did you know I was here?" I asked slyly, "Are you stalking me?" Snape gave me a bored glare and said to ignore my question, "Don't be late." I rolled my eyes and turned away, waving my hand in acknowledgement. As I heard his footsteps fade, I looked up to see him walk out the door and I couldn't help, but bit my lips to hide a smile.

"Blimey," Draco said as he leaned into the counter, "You both are like an old married couple. It's frightening. And, what lessons? I thought you said these were detentions."

"You don't tell me anything." I said and put my glass to my lips, "So I won't tell you shit."

Draco shook his head and poured the rest of his drink into his mouth and took a large gulp before clearing his throat. "I'll be back." he said, "Gonna use the loo." He walked to restroom and I grazed my finger against the rim of the glass patiently.

For God's sake, finally. Snape has finally managed to speak to me and the same sarcastic way. I missed his remarks and his company. I don't think I'd be able to sleep tonight knowing that I'd finally start my lessons tomorrow. I felt a hand grasp my shoulder and I looked up in curiosity. "Let's go," Draco said, "Let's go to Honeydukes."

"I haven't even finished my drink," I said.

"Well, down it and get on with it! I want some chocolate." he said, crossing his arms. I raised an eyebrow and said, "Fine." I downed the liquor and sputtered. I wiped my mouth with a napkin from over the counter and got up and pulled on my cloak. "Let's go," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the pub. "Lay off a bit, will you?" I said and ripped my hand from him as we walked outside. "I'll buy you some acid pops," he said, walking backwards, "C'mon."

"I don't like acid pops." I said with a grin as I followed him.

"Then chocolate frogs."

"Those are gross. I don't know why people even have the thought to put those in their mouths."

"Then, anything. My treat." he gave me a toothy smile and I rolled my eyes.

"Why are you bribing me?" I asked, walking beside him, "I liked the pub."

"It was too crowded. Besides, I told you. I want some chocolate."

And I swear we were in Honeydukes for an hour and Draco bought no chocolate. He simple looked around, sneakily pocketing a small box of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and fumbled in the licorice jars. "It's getting dark," I said, opening the jars, "We should head back." Draco straightened up and sighed. "Yeah, let's go. This place is giving me a migraine." We left Honeydukes, heading up the pathway. I took a cigarette from Draco and lit it. "Do you know how to play chess?" I asked, curiously.

"Not much of a player, why?"

"I want to learn." I said with a smirk.

"No, I don't play. Ask Snape when you both have your mysterious lessons then." he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

Then, a blood curdling scream emitted in the air. I stopped, startled and looked up the pathway. There, in complete awe and shock, was a Gryffindor girl floating in the air, screaming. I grasped Draco's arm and pulled him to me and said to him as I watched her, "What the hell is she doing? What's going on?"

"Out of m' way, kids! Get out o' the way!" I heard Hagrid shout as he quickly stomped passed us to the flying Gryffindor. A few other students started frantically running up the pathway, yelling, "It's Katie!"

"Draco- Draco?" I shook Draco's arm. He kept his eyes on the girl, Katie, then gave a deathly glare. "C'mon..." He grunted, grasping my wrist and tightening his grip, "Let's go." He pulled me to the opposite way and towards another road.

* * * * *

Author's Note


Before you start commenting about the sixth year timeline, I know. I know the timeline. But, I fit it in here like this, so deal with it. :) Thanks for reading.

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